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同性电流相斥。Like electric charges repel.

水火不相容。Fire and water repel each other.

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因此,它们大多时候是相斥的。So, most of the time they repel.

由于带同性电的原子会相斥。Because atoms with the same charge repel.

借助那些士兵的力量击退顽敌!Repel the enemy with thy valiant soldiers!

永久没有人力可以击退一个果断强毅的但愿。No human can repel a firm hope. – Kingsley.

同性的电荷互相排斥。Two like electric charges repel each other.

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当分子相碰撞时彼此互斥。Molecules repel each other when they collide.

那种“埋头苦干”的想法让你厌烦吗?Does the thought of “buckling down” repel you?

幸运的是,有一个非常简单的符咒就能驱逐幻形怪。Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart.

同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸。Like charges repel each other while opposite charges attract.

止痒,驱除蝇,蚊子和其他昆虫。To relieve itching, repel flys, mosquitoes and other insects.

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结果宿主再共同进化出抵制它们的防御能力。And eventually the hosts coevolve defenses to repel them again.

它吐出孢子攻击敌人然后尝试抓住它。It spews poisonous spores to repel enemies that try to catch it.

同种电荷相互排斥,异种电荷相互吸引。Like charges repel each other,unlike charges attract each other.

他们垄断政治,排斥庶族寒门。They monopolize politics, repel commoners my impoverished family.

这使我想起了马抽动皮毛驱蚊的动作。It reminded me of the way a horse twitches its hide to repel flies.

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两个负电荷相斥,每个正电荷也是如此。Two negative charges repel each other, and so do two positive charges.

这些有驱蚊树和吃蛹蚊的鱼。These include trees that repel mosquitoes and fish that eat the larvae.

两个负电荷相斥,两个正电荷也是如此。Two negative charges repel each other , and so do two positive charges.