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果菜榨汁机马达“,”Juicer, Blender Motor.

现在把蛋清调匀。Now blender the whites.

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然后打开榨汁机。Then turn on the blender.

请打开果汁机?。Please turn on the blender.

用搅拌机打成黄瓜泥。Puree cucumber in a blender.

把牛奶倒在果汁机里。Pour the milk in the blender.

先不要打开果汁机。Don't turn on the blender first.

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最终狠下心来买一个超贵的新搅拌机?Finally buy that fancy new blender?

我想退换这个果汁机。I would like to refund this blender.

我想退换这个果汁机。I would like to refund on this blender.

搅拌机也能加工食品。A blender that is also a food processor.

搅拌机礼物曾使你觉得特别吗?Has a blender ever made you feel special?

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贾姬示范她的搅拌机怎麽操作。Jacky demonstrated how her blender worked.

将香蕉和酸奶放人果汁机。Put the banana and yogurt into the blender.

亲爱的,不碍事,我去找罗斯拿果汁机。It's okay. I'll go to Ross', get the blender.

把香蕉和冰激凌放进果汁机。Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender.

只需搅拌机和食品处理机,就可轻松搞定。You'll need only a blender or food processor.

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我很喜欢这台果汁机。有粉红色的吗?I like this blender. Do you have a pink color?

把果肉放进食品处理器或者搅拌机里。Place the fruit in a food processor or blender.

把香蕉和冰淇淋放进果汁机里。Put the bananas and ice cream into the blender.