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描写莒南方言两字组连读变调及轻声的变调。The tone sandhi of disyllabic word and the neutral tone.

基于词典分析双音节词组词汇化的程度。Disyllabic phrase's lexicalization degree is analyzed based on dictionary.

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为数不少并成系统的合音词是宁波方言词语的突出特征之一。The paper aims at elaborating upon the disyllabic words of Ningbo dialect.

单纯词中联绵词占相当比重。Among single-morpheme words, disyllabic binomes account for a considerable proportion.

第四章为两字组轻声的实验结果。Chapter 4 presents the experimental results of the neutral tone in disyllabic sequences.

汉语词语分界的难点之一就是双音节中补型词语。One of the difficulties in dividing Chinese words is disyllabic mid-supplement-type words.

在语音形式上,植物词语以双音节词和三音节词居多。In terms of phonetic form, disyllabic and tri-syllabic words feature prominently in plant vocabulary.

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先秦时期的复音词研究已经引起了学者广泛的重视。Many scholars have paid wide attention on the disyllabic and polysyllabic words of the pre-Qin period.

而且这样的意义合并经常发生在双音合成词的两个词素之间。This kind of meaning combination often takes place between the two morphemes of a disyllabic compound.

在这些复音连词中,有186个双音节连词、31个三音节连词及7个四音节连词。Among these polysyllabic conjunctions, there are 186 disyllabic and 31 trisyllable and 7 quadrisyllable.

有对整个先秦时期的复音词的研究,也做了很多专书复音词研究。There is study on the disyllabic and polysyllabic words of the whole pre-Qin period and the special books.

考察现代汉语双音节词组词汇化的基本情况。The general condition about lexicalization of disyllabic phrases in modern Chinese is described in this part.

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第四部分我们考察了新兴双音词语素义与词义之间的关系。Chapter four we focus on the relationship between the morpheme meaning to the meaning of the disyllabic neologism.

汉语词汇从以单音词为主过渡到以复音词为主,是汉语发展史上的一个重大变化。The Chinese language vocabulary transfers the monosyllabic words first to the disyllabic and polysyllabic words first.

单音节词复音化是汉语词汇发展的重要规律之一。It is the major tendency for the development of Chinese words that a monosyllabic word becomes disyllabic and polysyllabic.

基式一般同单音节搭配,重叠式一般同双音节谓词搭配。Their basic form is usually used with monosyllabic predicates and the reduplicated form is used with disyllabic predicates.

发现新兴双音词词义的表面化倾向明显,并分析了原因。We found that most of the disyllabic neologisms with their superficial meaning, and we analyze the reasons at the same time.

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本文主要考察单双音节意欲形容词的句法语义特征。This paper studies the syntactic and semantic features of the monosyllabic and disyllabic Desiderative-adjectives in Chinese.

本文试对黄县方言的二字组连读变调进行试验和音系分析。This thesis presents an experimental and phonological analysis of Tone Sandhi in disyllabic sequence in Huangxian County Dialect.

语素的词缀化、词语的双音化、专业词的通用化是新词的三大发展趋向。Affixation of morphemes, words' being disyllabic and universalization of technical terms are the three evolution tendencies of neologisms.