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你想如何装修你的房子?How do you want to redecorate your room?

你想如何装修你的房间?How do you want to redecorate your room?

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不花一毛钱装饰你的房间。Redecorate your room without spending a dime.

上星期六安妮决定重新装饰她的卧室。Last Saturday Anne decided to redecorate her bedroom.

“我们打算装修弗兰克的家,”艾娃炫耀道。‘We’re going to redecorate Frank’s home, ’ Ava gushed.

我想重新装修一下房间,大卫,你能帮我一下吗?I want to redecorate my bedroom, David. Can you do me a favor?

我们需要找一家室内装潢公司来整修厨房。We need to find an interior decorating company to redecorate the kitchen.

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我明白,这单位基本请况很好,我不需要重新装修。I understand. The flat is in good condition and I don't have to redecorate it later.

我明白,这房子基本情况很好,我不需要重新装修。I understand. The flat is in good condition and I don't have to redecorate it later.

与其只是粉刷一下这个房间,干吗不彻底把它装修一下呢?Instead of just painting the room, why not go whole hog and redecorate it completely?

奥普拉·温弗莉会在白宫重新装修客厅,盖尔将提供帮助。Oprah Winfrey will redecorate the guest room at the White House, and Gayle will help.

躯体是座圣庙,但在你重新装饰它之前,又能在同样的房子里住上多久呢?Your body is a temple, but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate?

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他们粉刷了厨房,后来又决心干到底,把其他房间也都修饰了一番。They painted the kitchen and then decided to go the whole hog and redecorate the other rooms as well.

约翰,我们想重新装潢这个展示间。请你估价一下工料好吗?。John, We redecorate the showroom. Would you give us estimate for materials and the work needed, please?

在显示属性的客户加西亚他们要他重新装修,有时有一种感觉,他在另一个世界生活。Clients showing Garcia over a property they want him to redecorate sometimes have the feeling he's living in another world.

你可能认为你伴侣的温柔鼓励会帮助你更坚定地执行你的计划,如重修房子或健身。You might think a gentle nudge from a loving partner would help you stick to your plan to redecorate the house or get in shape.

当他去年一月份踏进白宫时,他曾说总统办公室很不错,没有重新装修的必要。When he arrived for work at the White House in January last year, he said he thought the office was fine and saw no need to redecorate.

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上星期我们隔壁的邻居决定重新装饰他们的客厅。他们想快点干完,于是请我们去帮他们的忙。Last week our next-door neighbour decided to redecorate the sitting room. They wanted to finish it quickly, so they asked us to help them.

可以粉刷,清洁壁橱,改组家具,修葺,或者重新装修。You can paint, clean out closets, reorganize furniture, clean upholstery, or even tackle a more ambitious plan, like move house, renovate, or redecorate.

我明白,这房子基本情况很好,我不需要重新装修。不过,我要先和我先生商量。威尔逊先生,不如我再给你打电话再约吧?I understand The flat is in good condition and I dont have to redecorate it later But, Ive got to discuss it with my husband first Mr Wilson, how about I call you to make an appointment again?