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这是去郊区漫游的最好季节。This is the best season for a ramble in the suburbs.

还有许多的话想说,不啰嗦了。我的思想将一路上跟随着你们。I could say much more, but I don't want to ramble on.

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不要聊天,不然你的面试官将会失去兴趣。Do not ramble or your interviewer could lose interest.

凯帝和我从洗衣房溜出来想自由自在地溜达溜达。Cathy and I escaped from the washhouse to have a ramble at liberty.

不要讲太长时间或信口漫谈,时长最多不超过2分钟。Don't talk for too long or ramble. Two minutes is the absolute max.

这本书是对公路在英国文化中影响的一些闲谈。The book is a ramble through the place of roads in British culture.

我喜欢下班后乱逛,顺便买点东西。I like ramble about the street after work, and buy something passingly.

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我会抽出骼时间听爷爷絮絮叨叨讲他年轻时的往事。I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

那两个男孩子缓步沿街向韦佛太太给比利的那个地址走去。The two boys ramble along the streets to the address Mrs. Weaverhasgiven Billy.

我会抽出时间听爷爷絮絮叨叨讲他年轻时的往事。I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.

非常感谢你给我这个机会让我在这可以侃侃而谈,分享我这微不足道的经验。Maki thanks for the opportunity for letting me ramble on and share my two cents.

读二年级时,有一天,我们班到乡村进行周末漫步。One day in the second grade, our class went on a weekend ramble in the countryside.

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如果你东拉西扯会让听众失去兴趣。When you ramble on about topics it is more likely that you are losing your audience.

如果你们闲聊关于其他人或者事情的时候向左上方看。If they gossip or ramble about other people or things they heard they look to the left.

而且,关心这种评价的人也不会很多,有谁耐烦来听一个中学生的胡说八道呢?Who has the patience to listen to some high school student ramble on about his teachers?

伊丽莎白在花园里散步的时候,曾经好多次出乎意料地碰见达西先生。MORE than once did Elizabeth in her ramble within the Park, unexpectedly meet Mr. Darcy.

随意的闲谈就可以让你了解我过去的生活和世界观。I can tell you, reader, about my past life and about my‘world-view’also, as I ramble along.

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脚踏在那金黄色的沙滩上,很好慢慢去回味往事,那一颗颗美丽的贝壳闪着金光。When you ramble in the golden sandy beach with shining shells, it is suitable to recall those past events.

每次同宿舍几个光棍去外面瞎逛,他就专门盯漂亮女孩看。Every time chummery a few ruffian go out ramble foolishly, he stares at beautiful girl technically to look.

热爱田园风光的人就得住在城里,一年中温暖的季节里偶尔抽个周末去郊游一下就可以了。To love the country one must live in the town, merely taking an occasional week-end ramble at the warmer times of year.