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我是一匹小马驹。我是你的孙女。I'm a foal. I'm your granddaughter.

这个小女孩脸色红润。Little Red Cap, your granddaughter.

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他刚给孙女儿换完尿布。He has just diapered his granddaughter.

我孙女像小洋娃娃一样漂亮。My granddaughter is as ptty as a little doll.

她的外孙女詹妮·丽贝卡,还是艾米莉?Her granddaughter Jenny Rebecca, or is it Emily?

孙女向您致以父亲节的祝福。Your granddaughter sends you Father's Day wishes.

这对夫妇有一个女儿和一个外孙女。The couple has one daughter and one granddaughter.

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我只知道她的孙女下星期要结婚了。I only know her granddaughter is gonna marry next week.

他母亲名叫亚他利雅,是暗利的孙女。His mother's name was Athaliah, a granddaughter of Omri.

海伦什么时候来中国看她的外孙女?When is Helen going to visit her granddaughter in China?

我可以带我的孙子和孙女进去看这场表演吗?。May I take my grandson and granddaughter to watch the show?

他的太太是泰坦神大洋氏的孙女安屈蒂。His wife was Amphitrite, a granddaughter of the Titan, Ocean.

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王母娘娘的外孙女下凡到人间。The granddaughter of the Goddess of Heaven visited the earth.

我祈求上帝,降福给这位眼盲者和他的孙女。I prayed for blessings upon the blind man and his granddaughter.

格兰特先生很溺爱他的小孙女,她是他的掌上明珠。Mr Grant dotes on his granddaughter. She's the apple of his eye.

我走过去,坐在我母亲和她的孙女中间。I walk over and sit down between my mother and her granddaughter.

你玩得不错,以后可以跟你孙女一块打枪了。You play good, since one can fire a gun with you a granddaughter.

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许多祖父母为他们的第一个孙女购买郑涛的玩偶。Many grandparents buy a set of dolls for their first granddaughter.

我的孙女开始上班了,我的孙子在念大学。My granddaughter has started work and my grandson is at university.

罗伯特和莎莉是约翰和莎拉的外孙和外孙女。Robert and Sally are John's and Sarah's grandson and granddaughter.