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别因为错爱而寂寞一生。But don't because of lonely the undeserved kindness life.

不该表扬时表扬将会让人感到良心不安。Undeserved praise will cause more pangs of conscience later.

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这位26岁的音乐家,因为丰富的肢体语言与面部表情而声名在外。The 26-year-old virtuoso has an undeserved reputation for mugging.

我失去了露丝,却冤枉地担上了准浪子的名声。I lost Ruth and gained an undeserved reputation as a potential libertine.

简而言之,我觉得因特尔的市场恶化实属不该,而微软是活该如此。In short, I think Intel’s bad market rap is undeserved while Microsoft’s isn’t.

建议您仔细阅读以下规则,避免临时来店造成的服务不周。We advise you to read the following rules carefully to avoid undeserved service.

这道苏格兰的国菜,有一个可怕的名声,这与它的实际是不符的。Scotland’s adopted national dish has a fearsome reputation, but it is undeserved.

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在捐款的同时,章子怡也为自己澄清了“捐款门”事件里的一切冤屈。Meantime, Zhang also clarified all her undeserved wrongs in the “Donation Affairs”.

跟那支部队玩花头或是在其中得到非分提拔的人要倒霉了!Woe to the man who played tricks with that Army, or got undeserved promotion in it!

那种认为奥巴马不应该获奖的人是荒谬的,并且是对每一个美国人的侮辱。The notion that Obama's prize is undeserved is absurd and an insult to every American.

在凡人看来是当然的荣耀,在上帝看来却是不应该的过失。Deserved praise exalts in the sight of man. Undeserved blame exalts in the sight of God.

麻雀往来,燕子翻飞,这样,无故的咒诅也必不临到。Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.

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只有当剧中人物像我们一样受了不应受的苦,经历了恐惧和痛苦,人们才会同情、恐惧。Pity is occasioned by undeserved misfortune and fear by the suffering of one like ourselves.

如果我们认为别人的成功是不应得的,那么我们就倾向于恶性嫉妒。We tend to feel malicious envy towards another person if we think their success is undeserved.

你可以让角色充满魅力,引人发笑,又或者让他们经历本不会存在的战斗。You can make characters charismatic and amusing, or have them face a struggle that is undeserved.

但是功利主义者所讨论的可能被承认为是非法的失当惩罚。But utilitarians , it may be argued, are also committed to undeserved punishment Which is illegal.

他是我的男友,也是我的心理谘询师,老师,营养学家和不会令人恼怒的对象。He was my boyfriend, psychological consulter, teacher, nutritionist and undeserved target of anger.

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如果太阳这么想扔下我们不管,每天清晨它的返回都是一种缓期执行,是一件我们不配得到的礼物。If the Sun so willingly leaves us, each morning it returns is a stay of execution, an undeserved gift.

但是如果是为了公共利益,则刑法对虚名的保护应予以减损。But for the sake of public interest, the criminal law shall reduce its protection of undeserved reputation.

彼得在这里是教导信徒,即使自己没有做错或说错甚么,却无故遭人冤枉,也当靠着主恩典来默然承受。But it takes a lot of Christian grace to accept undeserved blame for something you know you did not do or say.