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我觉得这场演出从戏剧角度来说更流畅。I think this show is more coherent theatrically.

他戏剧化的转头看飞过的蝴蝶。He theatrically turned his head to watch a butterfly flutter by.

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每个兰花有一个花瓣修改的为了授粉,一些戏剧化地如此。Every orchid has a petal modified for pollination, some theatrically so.

这部电影的最后部分没有进行有关心理学的处理,而是戏剧化地。This last part of the film is not dealt with psychologically, but theatrically.

但是,其中一些将在某些特殊环境中夸张地展示。However, some of these will be shown theatrically in some specialty environments.

地点和季节在你的诗歌中扮演了一个不可或缺的角色,作用于抒情和戏剧化。Places and seasons play an integral role in your poetry, both lyrically and theatrically.

在报告中,侦察员的舞蹈越夸张,说明她主张使用的地点越好。During the report, the more theatrically a scout dances, the better the site she is championing.

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他很聪明地利用了流行音乐的诱惑力,并以创新方式来使用它,用戏剧的方法来发展它。He was clever at taking pop hooks and using them in original ways, developing them theatrically.

他们说,他们的首相已向外界夸张地形容了利库德集团中移民的愤怒和不安。They say the prime minister has theatrically played up the settlers’ fury and unrest in the Likud.

相反,它们是戏剧演员威尔斯训练了多年,组装和他的合作伙伴和导师,约翰豪斯曼。Rather, they were theatrically trained actors Welles had assembled many years before with his partner and mentor, John Houseman.

我们真的想使用最新的,最突破的技术,以前从未见过或在剧院中使用过的。We really want to use the newest, latest of breakthrough technologies that have never been seen before or used theatrically before.

他经常设想自己在舞台上,夸张地演出他与米洛和厌恶的家人想象中的对话。Frequently he seems to set himself on stage, theatrically acting out imagined dialogue he has with Miro and with his disgusted family.

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尤其是弗吉尔星球的执政官比德·塞恩还极力反对。他甚至大肆羞辱莱娅·奥加纳·索洛,逼迫伊索尔德和自己进行荣誉决斗。Archon Beed Thane of Vergill was particularly opposed, and theatrically insulted Leia Organa Solo in order to provoke an honor duel from Isolder.

三部曲拍摄的最后一天实际上是影片上映1个多月以后,也就是2004年奥斯卡颁奖典礼结束3星期以后。The final day of filming on the trilogy actually happened over a month after this movie was theatrically released, and three weeks after the 2004 Academy Awards.

此两诫皆有较长的电影版本,原因是当年碍于资金关系,必须为其中两诫多拍摄一个在电影院上映的版本。Both episodes, for financial reasons, had to be released theatrically . Kieslowski filmed separate versions for each, but in the cutting room the footage was inevitably mixed.

布朗在联合国一般性会议上有意与穆阿迈尔卡扎菲拉开距离,卡扎菲在致辞上一度要撕毁联合国宪章的事件上,布朗随后表明了自己的反对立场。In an attempt to distance himself from the Libyans, Brown moved to toughen his position against Colonel Gaddafi after Libya's leader theatrically tore up the UN charter in his address.

北京时间今天凌晨进行的马德里德比,戏剧性地在最后一秒点杀马德里竞技,其中可以说荷兰射手是焦点人物之一。The Beijing standard time carries on this morning Madrid Derby, theatrically kills the Madrid athletics in the last second spot, may say that the Dutch shooters are one of focal point characters.