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我想提醒大家的是蓖麻毒素是如何工作的。Let me remind you how ricin works.

蓖麻籽富含蓖麻毒素。Castor beans are filled with ricin.

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蓖麻毒素或者氰化物只需少量即可致命。Tiny quantities of either ricin or cyanide are fatal.

初步测试表明,该物质是蓖麻毒素。Preliminary tests indicate the substance found was Ricin.

他们快把蓖麻毒素——一种致命的植物毒素——研发为武器了。They were close to weaponizing ricin —a lethal plant toxin.

最糟糕的是,现在还没有针对这种毒素的药方。Worst of all, there is no known remedy for a ricin poisoning.

它的症状和蓖麻毒素相似,但更浓缩。The symptoms are like that of ricin but much more concentrated.

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只要针头大小的药量,蓖麻毒素就可以致人死命。Ricin can cause death from exposure to as little as a pinhead amount.

这个网络教授它的人员如何制作蓖麻毒素和其他毒药。The network is teaching its operatives how to produce ricin and other poisons.

该检测方法可比以前更准确而快速的检出少量蓖麻毒素。The assay detects small amounts of ricin more accurately and faster than ever before.

本文综述了近年来蓖麻毒素检测方法的研究进展。This review summaries the development of detection methods for ricin in recent years.

当注射或吸入少量,仅半毫克的蓖麻毒素就会致死。When injected or inhaled, as little as one-half milligram of ricin is lethal to humans.

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马科夫被刺杀时,伞里面装的是蓖麻毒素小球,这种小球在进入人体以后基本不会留下什么痕迹。In Markov's case, the umbrella contained a ricin pellet, which is next to impossible to trace.

蛇毒、胞毒素及植物毒蛋白质,如蓖麻蛋白等,均具有防御功能。Snake venom, cytotoxin and plant poisonous protein such as ricin all have the defence function.

Schramm的方法正是通过测定细胞释放的腺嘌呤含量而检出和定量蓖麻毒素的。Dr. Schramm's assay detects and quantifies ricin by measuring the amount of adenine released by cells.

爱因斯坦的科学家指出在肿瘤临床治疗中检测蓖麻毒素可能成为这种技术早期的应用领域。Einstein scientists indicate that detection of ricin in cancer trials may be an early use of this technology.

你可能还记得一个月或者更早以前,蓖麻毒素污染过的信件寄给总统和其他官员。You might remember a month or so ago, letters tainted with ricin were sent to the president and other officials.

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检索结果显示,利用生物质谱技术是鉴定蓖麻毒素的最有效的新方法之一。The results indicate that the biomass spectrometry technology is one of the most effective methods to identify ricin.

警方正在对在内华达州拉斯维加斯一宾馆房间内发现的致命毒药蓖麻毒素展开调查。Police in Las Vegas, Nevada, are investigating the discovery of what they said is the deadly poison ricin in a hotel room.

她临终前诅咒兰卡威将没落七代,而且岛上只能长出不能食用的蓖麻。She will decline before death cursed Langkawi for seven generations, but can only be grown on the island of ricin can not be consumed.