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他们能迫使我们屈服吗?Can they compel obedience from us?

他们能迫使我们听从命令吗?。Can they compel obedience from us?

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先生是要去仁武会馆?The Sir wants to Ren compel guild?

但是它是如何干预和强制的呢?But how does it interpose and compel?

越是困难,就越促使我们依靠上帝。Impossibilities compel us to rely on God.

没有什么可以强迫我做这件事。Nothing can compel me to do such a thing.

注意,不要逼我诉诸武力。Perpend, and do not compel me to use violence.

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没有哪个国家能强迫外国公司投资。No country can compel foreign enterprises to invest.

首先不能坛迫或孩击肚子。First cannot the world compel or the child strikes the belly.

这些事实迫使我们与我们的友邦和盟国共同行动。These facts compel us to act along with our friends and allies.

有人要强迫你走一里路,就陪他走两里。And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.

你可以运用这种方法吸引听众不断听你讲下去。You can use thesame technique to compel your audience to listen.

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其他的,黑暗的欲望比性迫使Herschell后,他的变化。Other, darker desires than sex compel Herschell after his change.

或者是她超凡的魅力迫使那个人游过湖来?Or did her tremendous charisma compel the swimmer across the lake?

或许,仅仅强迫他们更多的只做决策而不留下记录?Or would it just compel them to make more decisions off the record?

人们运用侦察权以强迫银行披露某些事实。Investigating power was used to compel the bank to disclose some facts.

它具有强制输出端电压为同步的正序基波电压源的特点。It can compel the output voltage to be positive sequence voltage source.

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这些问题迫使所有国家采取联合行动,共同推动造福于世界人民的议程。They compel all nations to unite in action on an agenda for the world's people.

那企图强迫人违背良心行事的,正是撒但和受他精神所鼓动的人。It is Satan, and men actuated by his spirit, that seek to compel the conscience.

远大理想不仅鼓舞着你,也会感染周遭的人。Big dreams not only inspire you, but they also compel others to want to play big, too.