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我同HHS签合同提供建模技术援助。I was contracted with HHS for technical modeling assistance.

这是卫生和福利部部长和高层的承诺。It is the commitment of the Secretary and top leadership of HHS.

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由此,HHS开始着手生产H1N1疫苗的第一步。As such, HHS has initiated the first steps in making an H1N1 vaccine.

发生于无心脏病临床证据的人群时归为HHS。In persons without clinical evidence of heart disease, they are classified as HHS.

罗宾逊表示,HHS为可能爆发的流感疫情做准备时已考虑了上述因素。Robinson said HHS had accounted for this in planning for a possible influenza pandemic.

卫生和公众服务部将继续广泛地联系各州,帮助它们实施这一指导原则。HHS continues to do extensive outreach to help states put these guidelines into practice.

他说,卫生与公众服务部在今年5月之前要在美国所有50个州内召开社区规划会议。He said that HHS will have held community planning meetings in all 50 U.S. states by May.

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而美国卫生及公共服务部发布的这份健康指南则相对要容易一点,根据建议,每天锻炼半小时,一周坚持五天或更多就能达到这一目标。The new HHS guidelines go a bit easier and recommend an average of half an hour a day, five days a week -- or more.

钢铁黑磷化是以HHS黑化剂为特征的表面处理新工艺。Black phosphating of iron and steel is a new surface treatment process made a feature of using HHS blackening additives.

我们一直将精准的施胶作为生产的原则,并知道良好的服务是保证您成功的基础。We at Baumer hhs understand that precision is a manufacturing principle and that superior service provision is the basis of your success.

然而,HHS评分及SF-36功能方面,标准切口在术后两年统计学上更具优越性。However, the HHS and the physical function component of the SF-36 were statistically better at 2 years in favour of the standard incision group.

美国卫生与公众服务部的报告强调,过去几个月内越南和泰国成功控制了禽流感病毒的扩散,给人们带来了振奋人心的消息。The last few months have brought what the HHS report describes as encouraging news about the success of containment efforts in Vietnam and Thailand.

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据HHS网站,其医疗队已治疗了23,200多名海地地震灾民,施行了98例手术,并接生了28名婴儿。According to the HHS Web site, HHS medical teams have treated more than 23,200 Haitian earthquake victims, performed 98 surgeries and delivered 28 babies.

卫生与公众服务部同时发信给那些自主实施PCIP项目的27个州,通知他们有机会调整现有保险市场的保险费用。HHS also sent letters to the 27 states that operate their own PCIP programs to notify them of the opportunity to adjust current insurance-market premiums.

卫生与公众服务部也将会支付代理人和经纪人为那些有资格纳入项目但未经注册的个人签署合约所产生的费用,这项措施将在秋季开始实行。HHS will also begin paying agents and brokers for signing up individuals who are eligible for the program but have not enrolled. This incentive will begin in the fall.

预计美国总统奥巴马星期一将提名堪萨斯州州长凯瑟琳。西贝柳斯出任卫生与人类服务部部长。President Barack Obama is expected to nominate Kansas governor Kathleen Sebelius on Monday to be the nation's Secretary of Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS.

HHS与州和地方政府密切联系,并且许多HHS基金服务在州县部门的地方水平上提供,或者受让给一些私人机构。HHS WORKS CLOSELY WITH STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, and many HHS-funded services are provided at the local level by state or county agencies, or through private sector grantees.

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本文主要讨论DKA和HHS的定义、死亡率、病理生理、诱因、主要临床表现、实验室检查和治疗原则。This article mainly discusses the definition, mortality rate, pathophysiology, precipitating factors, main clinical manifestations, laboratory findings and principles of treatment in DKA and HHS.