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阅读器端口在盖内。Viewer port in the lid.

一个人留言说,他是一个骗子。He is a fraud, a viewer said.

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要安装文件查看器应用程序,请完成以下步骤To install the file viewer application

观看者可以转发视频链接。A viewer can still forward the link to to others.

胶囊图像被呈现到一台实时检测器上。Capsule images were viewed on a real-time viewer.

给观赏者以高山流水,归游自然的欣悦。For the viewer to fall, to swim natural pleasure.

十六进制查看器现在支持“显示非ASCII字符”选项。Hex Viewer supports 'Show non-ASCII letters' option.

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相同的原理同样适用于树查看器。The same principles apply to use in the tree viewer.

以虚拟图形文件浏览器为例。Take an imaginary graphics file viewer as an example.

观众朋友们,大牛去爬文峰塔了。Dear viewer friends, Daniel's gone to climb the pagoda.

缩略图查看器显示图像,因为它们是实时。Thumbnail viewer displays images real-time as they are.

赫斯特在此提醒观众的是生命的短暂。Here Hirst reminds the viewer of the transience of life.

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列表7设置阅读器是否控制自己的页面。Listing 7 sets whether the viewer control owns the page.

加强浏览者对珠江钢琴的品牌辨识度。Strengthen the Pearl River Piano viewer brand recognition.

情报接收者需要特殊的放映设备才能阅读胶片信息。The recipient would read the microdot with a special viewer.

透过这个程序,观赏者便能「遮蔽」和「揭露」这张脸孔。Through this process the viewer "masks" and unmasks the face.

然而,大部分的展品就是要愚弄观者。In most of the show, however, fooling the viewer is the focus.

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光学观察镜和标准片完全与加热器隔离。Optical viewer and stand are fully insulated from the heaters.

观众支持多种电脑辞典安装于时间。The viewer supports multiple dictionaries installed at a time.

观众朋友们,现在是黄龙最美丽的季节。Viewer friends, now is the most beautiful season at Huanglong.