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因为没搁在棺材里头。It wasn’t in a casket.

盛载尸体以备埋葬的箱匣。A casket for the body to bury.

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哈达火烧的形状像上下合在一起的小圆盒子。The Hada Cake looks like a round casket.

她用纸板做了一个匣子。She made a small casket with paper board.

很快,一个木匠来将棺材盖合上。Soon, a woodworker came to cover the casket.

扶棺人在抬棺木了。The pallbearers are carrying out the casket.

LJ走到他母亲的棺材边大声恸哭。LJ walks to his mother’s casket and breaks down.

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小偷眨眼工夫就把匣子撬开了。The thief prised the casket in less than a second.

我答应了他,要将所有的钱跟他一起放进棺材。That I was going to put that money in that casket with him.

捐赠的旧铁箱子,他从来都不能出售。Donated an old iron casket that he had never been able to sell.

王子打开棺材,把白雪公主抱在怀里。The prince opened the casket and lifted Snow White to his chest.

除此之外,还有装饰了各种饰物的一只精致小箱。There is also a nice casket to embroider various gem in addition.

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她挖了个小小的墓穴,把装有花的小盒子埋进了地里。She dug a small grave and buried the flowers' casket in the ground.

此款首饰盒,摆放在卧室又给亲们增添一道温馨的气氛!This casket It can be put in your bedroom and add a warm atmosphere.

从棺材里跳出一只兔子,突然离去一样快,它可能。Out of the casket sprang a hare and scampered off as fast as it could.

郑国人只买了他的匣子,而退还了他的珍珠。A man of the state of Zheng bought the casket but gave back the pearls.

有个楚国人想在郑国出售一颗珍贵的珍珠。A man of the state of Zheng bought the casket and gave him back the pearl.

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死者尸体将由一具精美的、可循环使用的木棺材运送到无烟火化设备中。An ornate, reusable wooden casket is used to carry the deceased to the Resomator.

过去诸佛全身舍利。皆在宝箧印陀罗尼。The whole body relics of all Buddhas in the past are in this Casket Seal Dharani.

在第二个棺材里面,有第三个棺材,被金叶子覆盖着。Inside the second casket, there was a third casket that was covered with gold leaf.