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手冢不幸满足了那些YY人士的需要。Tezuka tragically meets the demand of those YYers.

日本天皇裕仁对战争的优柔寡断是悲剧性的。Japan’s emperor Hirohito tragically vacillated over the war.

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这次,幻想与现实悲凉地融合了。This time illusion and reality would become tragically fused.

竟然无知到这个地步,好笑却又可悲地真实。Funny yet tragically true, how ignorance can be to this extent.

勃克·穆利根凄惨地叹了口气,把手搭在斯蒂芬的胳膊上。Buck Mulligan sighed tragically and laid his hand on Stephen's arm.

我们这个时代根本是个可悲的时代,我们偏偏不肯认命。Ours is essentially a tragic age, so we refuse to take it tragically.

1968年他年仅39岁的时候不幸遭到暗杀,悲惨地结束了宝贵的生命。His life ended tragically when he was assassinated in 1968 at the age of 39.

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但我认为,那将会更难做到——不言而喻,有时候结果是悲剧性的。I just mean that doing so will be harder-needlessly, sometimes tragically so.

据我所知,事件导致8名无辜平民死亡,这是个悲剧。As we know, the incident tragically ended in the deaths of eight innocent civilians.

我们从去年夏天的洪灾悲剧中已经认识到,我们不能再继续漠不关心下去了。As we tragically learned from last summer's floods. we cannot continue our carelessness.­

一天当一个美国参议员沿着街向前走时很悲惨的被卡车撞死了。While walking down the street one day a US senator is tragically hit by a truck and dies.

在前台在于洛赫阿尔德峡谷后,船在1878年不幸遇到搁浅的名字命名。In the foreground lies Loch Ard Gorge, named after a ship that tragically ran aground in 1878.

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阿耳特弥斯也曾有过一两次爱情,可是正如她的兄弟阿波罗一样,她的爱情故事总以悲剧告终。Artemis was in love once or twice, and just like Apollo, all her love stories ended tragically.

非常不幸,26岁的吉尔英年早逝,死于艾滋病,她也是有史以来公开的第一个死于艾滋病的女人。Unfortunately, Gia died tragically at the age of 26 from AIDS, one of the first women to do so.

听起来凄凉悲壮,或者洒脱不羁,其实,只是骨子里那一点点无奈和忐忑。Sound lonely tragically heroic, perhaps big-hearted and unruly , in fact be just that a little is.

往往选择失败者或充满悲剧色彩但却保持着崇高精神的人物作传主。His protagonists always are those who are tragically defeated but stay graceful and noble in spirit.

听起来凄凉悲壮,或者洒脱不羁,其实,只是骨子里那一点点无奈和忐忑。Sound miserable tragically heroic, perhaps big-hearted and unruly , in fact is just that a little is.

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这口铜制的长鸣钟警示我们要记住这段悲壮的历史。The Bronze Ever-ringing Bell functions as a constant reminder of the tragically heroic period in history.

贝希尔,阿尔及利亚移民,被雇佣,以取代已惨遭杀害的小学教师。Bachir Lazhar, an Algerian immigrant, is hired to replace an elementary school teacher who died tragically.

该组合发言人在一项简短声明中宣称,悲剧发生在当地时间周六,当时盖特利正在马约卡岛上度假。Gately "tragically died" on Saturday while visiting the island of Mallorca, the band said in a brief statement.