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因为网络邮件服务在当时是很费事的。That's because using Web mail services was torturous.

然后,我们会争论,度过一个又长又折磨人的假期。Then we would have argued and had a long, torturous vacation.

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在这些折磨人的条件下,伽伦开始忘记他从前的生活。Under these torturous conditions, Galen began to forget his past life.

科学家只有通过人为造成睡眠中断,才能研究快速眼动缺乏的现象。The only way scientists can study REM deprivation is by torturous sleep deprivation.

这些人没有认识到里边的人要死了,而且在痛苦的疼痛中要死了?Didn't these people realize that the man inside was dying and dying in torturous pain?

不过,周四数据显示出经济复苏步伐将会如何的曲折.Still, Thursday's data showed just how torturous the economy's path to recovery would be.

如此乱象,拷问消委、消协的公信力。Such chaos is resembled, torturous disappear appoint, disappear assist public letter force.

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这会缓解这位加拿大出生的球员的痛苦回忆。Such an outcome would help soothe the memories of a torturous period for the Canada-born player.

除了给IDC行业带来一次诚信危机外,也再次向业界发出拷问。Besides bringing sincere letter crisis to IDC industry, also give out to industry again torturous.

虽然为了实现目标,他还得每天经受160英里的折磨,但是终点就在眼前。The end is in sight, although he has to maintain a torturous 160 mile per day pace to hit his target.

由于他们习惯了这种折磨人的气候,所以海平面上42公里的赛跑对他们而言自然是轻松许多。Because they are used to such a torturous climate, a 42-kilometer run at sea lever is a lot easier for them.

我们回到将E作为函数n,l和,只要我们解决了这个烦人的路径。s We are back over to E as a function of n, l, m and s, only we got there through this other torturous route.

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我相信,在你松开手的那一刻是痛苦的,因为那意味着我也将松开我的手。I believe, it was torturous when you left my grip, because that means it is the time when I should let you go.

哈佛大学医学院睡眠研究人员对12名健康志愿者进行了轻微失眠实验。Sleep researchers from Harvard Medical School performed a slightly torturous experiment on 12 healthy volunteers.

对洁茹以及孤儿院里其他九十几个院童来说,每个月的第一个礼拜三是一个十分难熬的日子。For Jerusha and the ninety-odd other children in the orphanage, the first Wednesday of every month was quite a torturous day.

当‘冷血无情’和‘利欲熏心’在对面‘人性’的拷问时,结局又会如何?When ' cold blood is merciless ' and ' be blinded by gain ' opposite ' human nature ' torturous when, is ending met again how?

或许,这些妇女最终被,家中的男人殴打致死,或者最终屈服于这种殴打折磨,甚至监禁。They may be beaten eventually to death by a man in their home or subject to what we consider torturous behavior or imprisonment.

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我认为,我们已经用整个二十世纪走过了这么长的苦难历程,我们对历史已经批判得很多。We have spent the entire 20th century walking through a difficult and torturous journey, and we had constantly critiqued history.

意外的是留德女博士萧晗并没有死,她的归来让钱宝宝面临道德的拷问。Accident is to leave Xiao Han of heart female doctor to be done not have dead, her return those who let Qian Baobao face ethics is torturous.

这世界充满被不停需求的母性蒙蔽的女人,仍然惊愕著如何可能有这种工作既完美又折磨人。The world is full of women blind sided by the unceasing demands of motherhood, still flabbergasted by how a job can be terrific and torturous.