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不要竞争。Do not compete.

你傪加比赛了吗?。Did you enter the compete?

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只与自己竞争。Compete only with yourself.

女子比赛只限于皮艇赛。Women compete only in kayaks.

他们决定跟我们竞争。They decided to compete with us.

我们要象奴隶一样打拼吗?We all should compete like slaves?

五十三支球队参加比赛。Fifty-three teams wanted to compete.

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韩佳,两个队抢来抢去。Han Jia, while the two teams compete.

鸟儿和松鼠竞相争食。Birds compete for food with squirrels.

现代裙钗能到场举重比赛吗?Do women now compete in weightlifting?

付你们这个价码,我们就没有竞争力了。We can't compete if we pay your price.

你们跟什么大学竞赛?What universities do you compete with?

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相反,他们有了更多的竞争手段。Instead, they compete in different ways.

可以好好跟锡伯族的朋友们比一比。Now I can compete with our Xibe friends.

你还角逐长跑吗?You still compete in long-distance race?

是你们想要军备竞赛的。It is you who want to compete.Da, da, da.

它与ODE互操作还是竞争?Does it inter-operate or compete with ODE?

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或者我们可以走到世界中去竞争。Or we can go out in the world and compete.

你无法和那些研究生竞争。You cannot compete with those postgraduates.

不骗你,我绝对不会跟犹太妈妈们比拼。Believe me, I can’t compete with Jewish moms.