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灌木或乔木,常绿,或许两性,无刺。Shrubs or small trees, evergreen, hermaphroditic.

花两性的或植株功能上为雌雄异株。Flowers hermaphroditic or plants functionally dioecious.

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雌雄同体的再生器官,可以产精子和卵子,在腹足纲软体动物身上发现。A hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces both sperm and eggs, found in certain gastropods.

云-内舍尔是一位雌雄同体的遇战疯神祗,通常被认为拥有女性外形。Yun-Ne'Shel was a hermaphroditic Yuuzhan Vong deity usually recognized as being of the female form.

雌雄同体的陆栖和水栖环节动物,只在沿身体部位有鬃毛。Hermaphroditic terrestrial and aquatic annelids having bristles borne singly along the length of the body.

现在返回到这个主题,水熊是雌雄异体,也就是说分雌性和雄性。Getting back on topic, water bears are usually not hermaphroditic , meaning that there are usually males and females.

这段里有很多看起来很多实体神秘地,结合在两性的一个结合体重。There are so many entities in this passage that seem to be mysteriously conjoined in some kind of hermaphroditic unity.

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传粉者对花粉和胚珠配置的潜在影响,可能为研究两性花的进化打开一条新路。The effect of pollinators on the plant sex allocation, may be a new fied to study the evolution of hermaphroditic plants.

马氏巴蜗牛的生殖系统由十二个器官组成。The genital system of Bradybaena maacki consists of twelve organs. The hermaphroditic glands are made of spermary and ovary.

而在两性花植物中,这种雌雄功能之间负的遗传相关又很少被检测到。However, the negative genetic correlation between male and female functions has been rarely proved in hermaphroditic species.

卵巢通常成对的雌性或雌雄同体动物的生殖器官,产生卵细胞,脊椎动物的此类器官产生雌性。The usually paired female or hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces ova and, in vertebrates, estrogen and progesterone.

弥尔顿这样做史无前例,在他之前从未有人,将上帝或圣灵写成是雌雄同体的。Milton had no precedent for this. There's no precedent for this depiction of a god or a holy spirit as a kind of hermaphroditic being.

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雌雄异熟和异型花在一些被子植物中的共同存在被认为是一种有效避免两性花植物自交并促进异交的机制。A combination of dichogamy and herkogamy in hermaphroditic plants is an effective mechanism to encourage outcrossing and avoid selfing.

生殖器本部包括两性腺、两性管、精囊、蛋白腺、粘液腺、缠卵腺、交媾囊、摄护腺。The genital organ includes ovotestis, hermaphroditic duct, semen bursa, albumen gland, mucous gland, nidamental gland, copulatory bursa and prostata.

此外,由雄性至两性的性表现次序,亦显示不符合促精素的作用模式。The sexual progression of their gametophytes is from male to hermaphroditic . This sexual expression is not consistent with the model of antheridiogen action, either.

所有363个可育菌株都是交配型MAT1-1的雄性菌株,没有发现交配型是MAT1-2的菌株,也没有发现雌性可育菌株和两性可育菌株。All fertile isolates were male fertile and belonged to a single mating type, MAT1-1, no female fertile and hermaphroditic isolates were detected in sample populations.

缘毛鸟足兰是在具有近20,000种的兰科中迄今为止报导过的雄性不育类型与两性类型共存的唯一例子。In the nearly 20,000 species of the Orchidaceae, Satyrium ciliatum Ldl. is the only species which has been reported to display two separate sexual forms, the female form and the hermaphroditic form.