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我能为你做什么吗?So, what can I do for you, Jacques?

所以雅克、欧博特,你有什么看法?Sothen, Jacques Aubert, what do you think?

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德里达是以解构主义而著称于世的。Jacques Derrida is famous for deconstructionism.

他并没有气馁,不久克·法思便雇用了他。Undaunted, he was hired soon after by Jacques Fath.

他的继任者就是现任奥委会主席杰克斯·罗格。He was succeeded by current president Jacques Rogge.

尊敬的戴杰会长,女士们,先生们。President Jacques de Boisséson, Ladies and Gentlemen.

雅克三号贪婪地读着,嗓门嘶哑。"A. M. ! " croaked Jacques Three, as he read greedily.

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1985年雅克·德洛尔当选欧盟委员会主席。Jacques Delors becomes president of the European Commission

它的发明者是两位法国人——雅克·海姆和路易斯·里尔德。The inventors were two Frenchmen , Jacques Heim and Louis Reard.

杰奎斯*阿塔利,经济学家,历史学家,法国历任总统顾问JACQUES ATTALI, economist, historian, adviser to French presidents

我的灵感来自像波德莱尔和雅克·普莱维尔这样的诗人。My inspiration comes from poets like Baudelaire and Jacques Prévert.

福特公司的老板雅克•纳赛尔每周发一个“让我们聊天”的帖子。Jacques Nasser, Ford's boss, sends out "Let's chat" notes once a week.

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格哈特·施罗德曾在1998年拒绝了雅克·希拉克的邀请。Gerhard Schröder turned down an invitation from Jacques Chirac in 1998.

尽管希拉克总统,说球队令全国为以自豪。Even president Jacques Chirac, said the team had made the country proud.

雅克·塔蒂是继麦克斯·林戴以来法国最优秀的喜剧大师。Jacques Tati is the most excellent comedy master in France since Max Linder.

人是生而自由的,却处处受到束缚。Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains. ----Jean Jacques Rousseau.

人是生而自由的,却处处受到束缚。----卢梭。Man was born free, and everywhere he is in chains. ----Jean Jacques Rousseau.

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一七八六年八月七号,皮卡医生和杰克斯.包马特出发前去攀登白朗峰。On August 7, 1786, the doctor and Jacques Balmat set off to ascend Mont Blanc.

“可是我们的德伐日,”雅克三号说,“无疑是个优秀的共和分子,是么?”"But our Defarge, " said Jacques Three, "is undoubtedly a good Republican? Eh?"

海底探险家雅克库斯托,死于巴黎和导演87岁。Jacques Cousteau, the underwater explorer and filmmaker dies in Paris at age 87.