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为了未出生的孩子。For my unborn child.

在无生的明光中,好好休息。In unborn luminosity, take a nice rest.

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会对胎儿造成伤害。R61 May cause harm to the unborn child.

你为什么不问你肚里孩子的爸爸?Why don't you ask the father of your unborn child?

代文可造成胎儿损伤甚至死亡。DIOVAN can harm an unborn baby and even cause death.

另一位行人表达了对斯皮尔斯未来宝宝的关心。One passer-by expressed concern for Spears' unborn baby.

在源始地鬼魂和胎儿混合在一起。In that land of beginnings spirits mingled with the unborn.

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不古典音乐对未诞生的孩子是太复杂的。No. Clasical music is too complicated for the unborn child.

也许我偷了酒喝,或者杀死未出生的婴孩。I may have stolen a drink of wine, or killed a child unborn.

那么,为什么要求他们不生孩子来为我们的挥霍买单?So why ask them to pay in unborn children for our profligacy?

如此,那些待出生的婴儿就会欢叫着来到阳世。That from here the joy of life of the unborn child comes out.

她指着铭文,“勒妮A.梅和未出世的孩子。”She pointed to the legend, “Renee A. May and her unborn child.”

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她时常担心这会对她未出生的孩子产生什么影响。And she often wondered what it might be doing to her unborn child.

与其不受教育,倒不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。Better be unborn than untaught for ignorance is the root of misfortune.

与其不教不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。Better be unborn than untaught, for ignorance is the root of unfortune.

尽管弓浆虫病通常对人类是无害的,但却会伤害没有出生的婴儿。Toxoplasmosis while normally harmless to humans can hurt an unborn baby.

政治家对优生学不感兴趣,因为未出生者并无选举权。Politician take no interest in eugenics because the unborn have not vote.

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她未出生的孩子是个男孩,将会比中国宝宝有更多的选择。Her unborn child — a boy — will have more choices than most Chinese babies.

可是,当她想到腹中孩子,即打消了轻生念头。She later plans to commit suicide but she drops the idea due to her unborn child.

如果她意图逃跑,绑匪威胁杀死她和她未出生的孩子。Her kidnappers threatened to kill her and her unborn child if she tried to escape.