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这是宝石匠技术高超的表演。Nay. It was the climax of the lapidary 's skill.

耳朵上垂坠水滴般清透的宝石灵气逼人。Hang down on ear object the clear lapidary spirit gas like water is threatening.

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合成器明亮而优雅的音质并不总那么贴合歌词。Synthesizers addabright and lapidary quality that doesn't always fit the lyrics.

优雅严谨的文风强调的是精确,深刻和优雅。A lapidary style of literary writing stresses precision, depth and lean refinement.

英皇就把它送交到一个世上最著名的宝石匠,请他切磋。The King sent it to the hands of an expert lapidary. And what do you suppose he did with it?

钻石、宝石,传递慑人心魂的魅力,超然美感。Diamond, lapidary , deliver the glamour of fetch of be awed popular feeling, detached aesthetic feeling.

从此得出的宝贵结论是,人们极为重视用动物来满足口腹之欲的权利。One lapidary conclusion to be drawn here is thatpeople take deadly seriously the prerogative to use animals as sources ofsatisfaction.

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我们会想去重读她的那些更经典的作品,品味这脆弱的灵魂如何塑造了这一具蕴含激进思想的身躯。We may want to go reread some of her more lapidary work, now appreciating the vulnerable soul that shared a body with that radical will.

肯尼迪的创作手法使书中宝石般的故事显得离奇而又荒凉,大多数故事是不幸或破坏的结合体,也有一些暴力故事穿插其中增添色彩。Kennedy’s approach in these lapidary stories is off-kilter and desolate—most of them involve unions unhappy or unraveling, and violence animates several.

为什么拒绝把这一称号给予绑扎肢体的外科医生、维护秩序的法官或议员,而把它给予切割和磨光钻石的宝石工?Why refuse that title to the surgeon who sets a limb, the judge or legislator who confers security, and give it to the lapidary who cuts and polishes a diamond?

其次,BVLGARI还将宝石的「蛋面切割法」引入欧洲,这在当时传统潮流中,可说是一大革命。Next, BVLGARI is returned will lapidary " egg face patterning method " introduce Europe, this is in traditional at that time tide, can saying is one great revolution.

“跟从我”——在基督这句简简单单的话里,我们就理解了我们深爱的教宗约翰保罗二世的一生。"Follow me" – this lapidary saying of Christ can be taken as the key to understanding the message which comes to us from the life of our late beloved Pope John Paul II.

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蒂芙尼将漂亮宝石细心雕琢,以镶嵌在铂金中的钻石为烘托,制成色彩缤纷的珍贵珠宝。Difuni will be beautiful lapidary and careful write in an ornate style, it is foil in order to enchase the diamond in platinic gold, make the precious jewelry of quality colour profusion.