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键盘托架。Keyboard tray.

我是一名电脑录入员。I'm a keyboard operator.

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这是一个键盘陷阱。This is a keyboard trap.

你弹奏电子琴吗?Do you play the keyboard?

我是一个电脑录入员。I am a keyboard operator.

是一种键盘乐器It's a keyboard instrument.

你是电脑操作员吗?Are you a keyboard operater.

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我想要一个可滑出的键盘。I want a slide-out keyboard.

他一怒之下摔烂了键盘。He smashed his keyboard in a rage.

罗伯特也是电脑录入员吗?Is Robert a keyboard opertor, too?

罗伯特也是电脑录入员吗?Is Robert a keyboard operator, too?

键盘有什么奇怪的What's strange about this keyboard?

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在全屏幕中对全键盘的支持Full keyboard support in full screen

李剑带着部队来到了樱桃沟。Keyboard with the troops came to be.

她会弹钢琴和键盘乐器。She can play the piano and keyboard.

他在键盘上用力敲出“不”字。He hammered out “NO” on the keyboard.

键盘错误或者未接键盘。?。Keyboard error or no keyboard present?

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目前,诺基亚E60使用键盘。Currently, Nokia E60 uses the keyboard.

有的靠快速敲击键盘。In some games, he whacks at a keyboard.

目偂,访问埘嗵濄键盘。Currently, access is through a keyboard.