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为了防止这个问题,我们修改了主题。To circumvent this issue, we modified the theme.

有时候,凯恩会想方设法智取。Still, Kane would try to circumvent her parents' efforts.

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她计划避开官僚体制下的繁文缛礼。She planned a way to circumvent all the bureaucratic red tape.

定制的请求可以完全绕开CSRF保护。Requests can be crafted which will circumvent the CSRF protection entirely.

接着寄生虫自然而然地随之进化出策略,绕过那免疫力。Then eventually the parasites coevolve strategies to circumvent that immunity.

双方都同意不会使用其他任何机构去规避保密协议中的条款。Both parties agree not to use any other party to circumvent the NCND conditions.

在进出口工作中,我们要扬长避短,趋利避害。In our import-and-export work, we should foster strengths and circumvent weakness.

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美国法律禁止转关货物窃取美国的配额管制。U. S. law prohibits the transshipment of goods to circumvent U. S. quota restraints.

为了克服这些问题,一些研究人员正在向自然寻求灵感。To circumvent these problems, some researchers are looking to nature for inspiration.

这种红外探测方法可以通过类似隐藏键盘的方式防卫入侵。The infrared method can circumvent defensive strategies, such as shielding the keypad.

最后,央行可以试着通过购买长期债来绕过不能低于零利率的约束。Finally, central banks can try to circumvent the zero lower bound by buying long-term debt.

用户不得尝试规避Aconex在网站上设置的任何安全措施。The User must not attempt to circumvent any security measures Aconex has in place on the Site.

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疫苗接种还将克服妨碍诊断和治疗结核病的薄弱卫生体系的问题。Vaccination would also circumvent weak health systems that hinder efforts to diagnose and treat TB.

而与此同时,一个安全破解者/骇客,是某个意图规避或突破安全措施的人。A security cracker, meanwhile, is someone whose purpose is to circumvent or break security measures.

除非外交手段能处理好这次交易,否则N.S.G.十一月会议上将会讨论这件事。Unless diplomacy can circumvent the deal, it will be discussed during the N.S.G.’s November meeting.

麦当娜形象被贬损的主要原因,是媒体关于她利用自己的名望和财富刻意规避马拉维收养法则的报道。Madonna's image was hit by claims she used her fame and wealth to circumvent Malawian adoption rules.

有关麦当娜利用名望和金钱,规避马拉维收养法规的说法,令麦当娜形象受损。Madonna's image was hit by claims she used her fame and wealth to circumvent Malawian adoption rules.

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在这篇文章中,我要强调的是如何真正地绕开第三个和第四个问题。What I am highlighting in this article is how you can actually circumvent the third and fourth issues.

严禁规避招标、围标和陪标等不规范的行为发生。It is forbidden to circumvent such as bidding and circumference and with logo is not standard behavior.

为了绕过这个缺陷,通过内嵌的搜索进行页面依赖性的安装是需要的。To circumvent this pitfall, installation of page dependency through in-line page searches is necessary.