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菇农是如何确定消毒剂的浓度的?How does grower determine sanitizer levels?

梅家坞的茶农也是很有福的。A tea grower in Meijiawu is all blessed as well.

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怀特先生是这个地方成功的果农。Mr. White is a successful fruit grower in this area.

这给种植者以很好的机会将之耕翻。This gives the grower a better chance to disk it under.

绝大多数我们的庄园主都有这个葡萄酒独立种植者的标志。Most of our Winegrowers have this logo of Independent Wine grower.

1999年,种植者兰迪.哈德森是第一个向中国出口山核桃的人。Grower Randy Hudson was one of the first to export to China, back in 1999.

一位来自北京的记者有幸与梅家坞的茶叶种植者住在一块。A journalist from Beijing is honored to stay with a tea grower in Meijiawu.

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随后会引起树势衰弱,明显两年结一次果。It may subsequently become a weak grower and a distinctly biennial cropper.

我们都知道怎么种菜,因为爸爸曾经是菜农。We all know how to plant vegetables for my father was once a vegetable grower.

加利福尼亚是全国第一农业州和最大鲜橘出产州。California is the nation's top agricultures state and top grower of fresh citrus.

从果农摘下的第一批青涩的果子,到收获结束果农运走的最后一批,我都购买和品尝过。From fruit grower got first passel green fruit to got last one, I just bought and tasted.

由于果实损伤而外观不美,常常引起经销人与水果生产者互相责怪。The merchandiser and the fruit grower have blamed each other for bruised unattractive fruit.

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过去由于果实损伤而且外观不美,常常引起经销人与水果生产者互相责怪。In the past, the merchandiser and the fruit grower have blamed each other for bruised unattractive fruit.

德州是美国最大的牲畜产区和第二大冬麦产区。Texas is the largest producer of cattle in the United States and the second-largest grower of winter wheat.

真正的友谊是慢慢增长起来的,决不会突如其来,除非已有深入了解,相互看重。Real friendship is a slow grower and never thrives unless engrafted upon a stock of known and reciprocal merit.

英美烟草乌干达公司是东非国家乌干达最大的烟草种植商,生产的烟草占乌干达烟草总产量的大约一半。BATU is the east African nation's biggest grower of tobacco, producing about half of the country's total output.

让您的胡子虹膜健康忠告在此免费视频园艺从第三代花农。Keep your bearded iris healthy with advice from a third-generation flower grower in this free video on gardening.

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根据烟草种植者朱说,仅在这一个镇,有30名农民拥有100多亩土地。In one township alone, there are 30 farmers with more than 100 mu of land, according to tobacco grower Zhu Shumei.

植物一篮子吊线正确地从一本免费视频第三代花农园艺与帮助。Plant a hanging wire basket properly with help from a third-generation flower grower in this free video on gardening.

烟叶协商委员会是一个11人的顾问机构,包括国内烟农代表和独立的专家。The Council is an 11-member advisory body comprising domestic tobacco grower representatives and independent experts.