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计划陷于停顿。The scheme bogged down.

我们的讨论僵住了。Our discussions bogged down.

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他们被过度的工作拖住了。They were bogged down by overwork.

我被许多工作拖住了。I was bogged down with a lot of work.

不应该陷进搜索当中。Shouldn't get bogged down in research.

由于缺少资金,这项工作受阻。The work bogged down for lack of money.

士兵们陷在沼泽中。The soldiers became bogged in the swamp.

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他的车子陷入泥沼开不动了。His car got bogged down and wouldn't move.

美国陷于伊拉克和阿富汗的泥潭。The US is bogged down in Iraq and Afghanistan.

一队筑路的犯人在泥沼中拖动着树桩。ROAD-GANG is pulling stumps, bogged down in mud.

她陷进了这些日常的文书工作中。She is getting bogged down in all this paperwork.

政府则陷入了没完没了的暗斗之中。The government is bogged down in endless infighting.

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但当今大政府的负担又让巴西陷入泥沼。But now Brazil is bogged down by the burden of Big Government.

这种矛盾的推理会将人们搞得昏头转向吗?丝毫不会。Here is the kind of reasoning in which people get bogged down.

由于没有装甲部队的支援,进攻很快陷入了僵局。Without armour support, the attack soon found itself bogged down.

大的汽车生产商由于管理繁琐,人员庞杂而裹脚不前。The big automakers are bogged down by excessive management and staff.

我担心我的信件已被耽搁在拖拖拉拉的公文程序中了。I was afraid my letters had been bogged down in beaurocratic red tape.

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其他粒子被困住了,累积质量开始变得很重。Other particles get bogged down, accumulating mass and becoming very heavy.

大家又不拘泥于纠缠细节,我相信谈判能按计划顺利进行。We don"t get bogged down on details, I"m sure the talks will progress as planned.

敌人方面,陷在中国泥潭中的几十个师团抽不出去。As regards Japan, scores of her divisions will be inextricably bogged down in China.