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阅读我很在行。I'm good at reading.

读书和写字呢?Reading and writing?

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所以说读书是咸的。So reading is salty.

我喜欢阅读博客。I love reading blogs.

我喜欢读鲁迅的作品。I like reading Lu Xun.

读书周期间禁止在堂上讲话。Don't the Reading Week.

英语竞赛活动。English reading contest.

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我喜欢读热点新闻。I like reading hot news.

我在读莎士比亚!I’m reading Shakespeare!

他需要老花眼镜。He needs reading glasses.

我正在读一本故事书。I'm reading a story-book.

请继续往下读。Keep reading to find out.

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我们的读书声。The sound we are reading.

嘿,你在读什么书?Hey, what are you reading?

你介意读一下它吗?Would you mind reading it?

教师领读板书。Yes, I like reading books.

他一边听歌一边读书。He is singing over reading.

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我瞎混看书还有跳舞!I like reading and dancing!

我喜欢在那里读书。I like reading books there.

我喜欢阅读故事书。I like reading story-books.