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整个思想战线的工作都需要加强。All our ideological work has to be improved.

齐泽克的意识形态理论分为两个部分。Zizek's ideological theory consists of two parts.

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你对于意识形态上的无政府主义如何看?From TianA What do you think of ideological anarchism?

里根先生则带有一些沉重的思想包袱。Mr Reagan brings with him some heavy ideological baggage.

现在,我没有了思想包袱,很轻松了。Now, I do not have the ideological baggage, it is easier.

第一章着重探寻李长之文学批评的思想渊源。The first chapter is about the ideological origins of Li.

思想素质好是搞好业务工作的关键。Ideological quality is to better the key of business work.

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思想建设是党的建设的基础。Ideological building is the foundation of the Party building.

你将创造同样的意识形态战争——冷战和热战。And you will create the same ideological wars, both cold and hot.

在当今亚洲,经济务实主义胜过意识形态分歧。In today's Asia, economic pragmatism trumps ideological divisions.

僧侣戒行不严,教风不正,思想混乱。Monks from teaching, do not to be lax, were ideological confusion.

而现在,主要的意识形态变成了国家主义和反美主义。Now the main ideological idea is nationalism and anti-Americanism.

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这就会造成思想混乱。That would lead to ideological confusion and political instability.

第二章,司马光诗歌的思想内容。Chapter Two describes the ideological content of Sima Guang's poems.

思想政治素质是大学生各种素质的灵魂。Ideological politics is the soul of various qualities of collegians.

针对意识形态的不同来大做文章是不明智的。It is unwise to foster a confrontation over ideological differences.

第三章论述汪藻诗歌的思想内容。The third chapter elaborates the Wang Zao poetry ideological content.

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弗吉尼亚·伍尔芙是英语意识流小说的一位重要代表作家。Virgina Woolf is one of the important ideological writers in Britain.

这值得我们思想战线上的同志深思。That is something our comrades on the ideological front should ponder.

嵇康思想的历史、社会、思想背景。The historical, social and ideological background of Jikang's thought.