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我们对工作成果的重视远远高于过程。We work for the attention far outclass process.

目标在水平、垂直两个方向上的小波能量要远高于背景。The energy of targets in horizontal and vertical direction outclass that of background.

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在某些功能上计算机可与人类匹敌,然而在危急关头需要迅速做出决定的时候,计算机却胜人一筹。Computers match people in some roles, and when fast decisions are needed in a crisis, they often outclass them.

警察对此束手无策,尤其是罪犯们使用汽车逃跑的时候。The police are powerless to stop the criminals who outclass them in every way ?especially when it comes to cars.

经维持性血液透析治疗者平均存活期远高于未作透析者。Via keeping sexual blood dialytic the person that treat puts current outclass on average to was not made dialytic person.

如果我们尽全力,我们应该比这个小组的任何一支球队都高出一头,而真正的挑战在2008年,我们将面对奥地利和瑞士。If we play to our strengths we should outclass most sides in this group and present a real challenge in Austria and Switzerland in the summer of 2008.

设备固定方式中所需的再生温度和再生热量要远高于除湿量固定方式,总能耗也要高于后一种。The regeneration temperature and regeneration heat that equipment, fixed method need outclass the ones of humidity-ratio decrease fixed and total energy consumption is too.

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车的前排座椅也体现出同样的特点,取消了非常复杂的多方位调整功能,加入了坚固的支撑和舒适的坐垫,这种设计甚至比一些价格相当于飞度两倍的车还要出色。The same goes for the front seats which trade complex adjustability for good bolstering and firm yet comfortable cushions that far outclass those in many cars costing twice as much.

有鉴于此,我认为在课外阅读前,应首先创设开放的阅读空间和良好的阅读氛围,保证学生有健康丰富的书源和充足自主的阅读时间。Therefore, we should firstly create an open reading space and good reading atmosphere during the outclass reading, and ensure the rich books supply and sufficient and free reading time.

美国国家标准技术研究所的研究人员正在开发一种镱原子钟,这种原子钟可能比铯原子钟更好。目前的时间标准是由铯原子钟确定的。National Institute of Standards and Technology researchers are developing atomic clocks based on the element ytterbium that could outclass cesium atomic clocks, which currently set the standard.