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任何人都可以做为一个奉献者。Anyone can be a servant.

他是一个懒惰的仆人。He is a slothful servant.

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他把佣人解雇了。He packed off his servant.

巴尔萨泽,罗密欧的仆人。Balthasar, servant to Romeo.

请别恨你的老服务员。Do not hit your old servant.

我最初是作佣人的。First I worked as a servant.

仆人给他的靴子擦黑鞋油。The servant blacked his boots.

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仆人给他的靴子擦黑鞋油。Thee servant blacked his boots.

仆人唱名通报史密斯先生来访。The servant announced Mr. Smith.

仆人将客人领进来。The servant led the visitors in.

老板向着仆人吼叫。The boss bellowed at the servant.

仆人的脸上露出一种谄笑。The servant worn a fawning smile.

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她向佣人指定了各项任务。She set the servant various tasks.

佣人服侍其主人。The servant attends on his master.

每小我既是主人,又是家丁。Everyone is a master and a servant.

皮埃尔站立起来,帮助这个仆人。Pierre stood up to help the servant.

他用鞭子猛抽仆人。He lashed at the servant with a whip.

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他挥手叫家丁分开房间。He waved the servant out of his room.

你仆人的年日有多少呢。How many are the days of thy servant?

请把这个给我们得球道服务生。Please give this to our Lane Servant.