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冷战挫败是金。Cold foiling is golden.

在此免费学习技巧视频剪辑有关使用彩绘玻璃艺术铜挫败眼安全。Learn tips for eye safety in this free video clip about using copper foiling for stained glass art.

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了解此免费视频剪辑烙铁有关使用彩绘玻璃艺术铜挫败。Learn about soldering irons in this free video clip about using copper foiling for stained glass art.

通过纤维间相互衬托,长期保持松软、无刺激、且经久耐用。Through foiling each other between fiber, keep for a long time loose, without stimulation, and wear well.

你的岳父正给你讲述他在莫斯科挫败扒手的故事---已经能是第五次了。Your father-in-law is telling you that story about foiling the pickpocket in Moscow -- for the fifth time.

利优比也已经显示出其挫败系统综合了紫外光固化单元位于去年单位交付之前。Ryobi also has shown its foiling system integrated to a UV curing unit situated at the last unit before delivery.

了解如何打破这个免费视频剪辑有关使用彩绘玻璃艺术铜挫败与玻璃旋转钳子。Learn how to break glass with swivel pliers in this free video clip about using copper foiling for stained glass art.

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了解如何打破这个免费视频剪辑有关使用彩绘玻璃艺术铜挫败与环星玻璃钳。Learn how to break glass with ring star pliers in this free video clip about using copper foiling for stained glass art.

一朵花孤芳自赏,仅仅是美丽,而一片互相扶持的锦绣却撑起了一个春天。One flower with self-admiration is just a single beauty, while many flowers , foiling each other, have created a spring.

栩栩如生的长颈鹿,它那深而自然的色调衬托着白色的家具,使整体不至于显得无精打采或苍白无力。Lifelike giraffe, that is deep and it is natural tonal foiling white furniture, make whole unapt appear downhearted or pale.

当甲虫的背壳变干之后,光线就不再均匀地反射出来,破坏了闪亮的金黄色镜似效果。When the beetle dries out its exoskeleton, the light no longer bounces off evenly, foiling the shiny, golden, mirrorlike effect.

据英国媒体报道,英国北安普顿一位71岁的老奶奶近日挺身而出挫败了一场珠宝店抢劫而成为国家英雄。A 71-year-old British woman has become a national heroine after foiling a robbery on a jewelry store in Northampton, UK media reported.

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当犯人跑过去时,他们就朝他开枪,接着声称该犯人企图逃跑被他们阻止,于是为此得到三天的休假。As the prisoner was running, the officer would shoot them. Then they would claim the prisoner was trying to escape and get three days off for foiling it.

为了挫败共和党的方案,瑞德先生通过多数票原则,确立了一个使得将来再实行类似策略更加困难的先例。In foiling the Republican scheme, Mr Reid, by a simple majority vote, established a precedent that will make it harder to attempt such ruses in the future.

盟军飞行员后来报告说当飞机一次又一次接近潜艇时,雷达上的目标会忽然消失,避开攻击。Allied pilots later reported that on more than one occasion, that as the aircraft approached the U-boat, the blimp on the radar would suddenly disappear, foiling the attack.

俗话说魔高一尺道高一丈,研究者正忙于研究克制电磁武器的方法。To every action there is, of course, an equal and opposite reaction, and researchers are just as busy designing ways of foiling electromagnetic weapons as they are developing them.

鉴于英国仍存在“严重”威胁——虽然有人暗中称这“严重”在未来几年内会下降一个档次,重点打击恐怖阴谋可谓合情合理。In a country where the threat level remains "severe"—notwithstanding whispers that it may be dropped a notch over the next year—a focus on foiling terrorist plots is understandable.

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介绍了从含金电镀废液、镀金废料、含金合金废料、贴金废料、含金抛灰、废金刚砂磨料、含金垃圾中回收金的方法和工艺流程。This paper introduced process and technology of recovery of gold from waste auric electroplate liquor, gold plating wastes, auric alloy wastes, gold foiling wastes, auric ashes, etc.

甚至就在法国立法机关准备投票表决萨科齐总统的法案的同时,海盗湾正打算推出一项新服务,旨在阻挠该项法案以及其他查获文件共享者的努力。Even as French lawmakers prepared to vote on Mr. Sarkozy's proposal, the Pirate Bay was offering a new service aimed at foiling both that plan and other efforts to track down file sharers.

甚至就在法国立法机关准备投票表决萨科齐总统的法案的同时,海盗湾正打算推出一项新服务,旨在阻挠该项法案以及其他查获文件共享者的努力。Even as French lawmakers prepared to vote on Mr. Sarkozy’s proposal, the Pirate Bay was offering a new service aimed at foiling both that plan and other efforts to track down file sharers.