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不要并排骑车。Don't all cycle abreast.

他们并排成四路纵队。The column was four abreast.

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四人并肩而行。The four of them walked abreast.

这过道可容纳两人并排进出。This passage admits two abreast.

他们两三个人一排地走着。They walked two or three abreast.

四人并肩而行。They walked two or three abreast.

我们应跟上时代的发展…We should be abreast of the time.

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使得墙裂了缝,二人并肩都走得过。And makes ga even two can pa abreast.

他的车和跑在头里的车并驾齐驱。His car was abreast of the leading car.

我们应该与别人共同前进。We should fall abreast with the others.

使墙裂了缝,二人并肩都走得过。And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.

斯基普和他并肩朝河边跑去。Skip ran abreast of him toward the river.

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这座大桥可容4辆卡车并列通行。The bridge can take four lorries abreast.

海斯和他父亲骑马并肩而行。Hayes' horse fell abreast of his father's.

随时了解最新时事和问题。Keep abreast of current events and issues.

年轻人总是紧跟时代的步伐。Young people always keep abreast of the times.

“早上好,梅布尔,”当我赶上她时说。"Good morning, Mable, " I said, as I came abreast of her.

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他们密集穿行,有时候多达20辆车齐头并进。They travel in tight packs, sometimes as many as 20 abreast.

三辆T.25可以并排停在一个标准停车位内。Three T. 25s can park abreast in one standard parking place.

我想在软件领域跟上时代的步伐。I like to keep abreast of the laste developments in software.