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在她的信中过去和现在融为一体。Her letters conflate past and present.

我们会忽略大的事情,忘记细节,也会将事情弄混。We overlook big things, forget details, conflate events.

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当文字与视觉合并时会发生什麽呢?What happens when language and the visual arts conflate ?

所以,我认为服务编排是生机勃勃的,但我不想把它和BPM混在一起。So I think choreography is alive and well. But I wouldn't conflate that with BPM.

我的意思是,你怎么能把香烟及卫生棉条混为一谈?And I still have mixed feelings. I mean, how can you conflate cigarettes and tampons ?

可以夸大为源自形而上的艺术理想,亦或只是简单的形而下的生活经验。One can conflate it to a metaphysical artistic ideal, or a mundane and profane experience.

从美国,俄罗斯和欧洲的贸易中,可以看到贸易物件可使世界成为国际一体。USA, Russia and Europe to highlight a trading good can be an international tool to conflate world.

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一些穆斯林原教旨主义者拒绝这一节日,似乎将这两个节日合并,或将其视为异教徒所为。Some fundamentalist Muslims reject the holiday, seeming to conflate the two, or viewing it as pagan.

许多电影有这种功能,因为在此混为一谈与周围的人的政治冲突。Many movies have this feature, and as here conflate the personal conflict with surrounding political ones.

周二被要求拿出证据时,斯派塞似乎是把两项不同的研究放到了一起。Pressed to present the evidence on Tuesday, Mr. Spicer appeared to conflate two different studies that Mr.

如果你想捍卫自由主义,那你就捍卫吧,你为什么要把对某种价值观的热爱和对某个国家的热爱混为一谈?If you want to defend liberalism, then defend it, but why conflate your love for certain values with love for a certain country?

但如今时过境迁,我们常常将“钦佩”和“对比”混为一谈,而这其实是两件完全不同的事——一个是明智的,而另一个却是在“自讨苦吃”!But all too often we conflate admiration and comparison. They're two completely different things. One is smart, the other debilitating.

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随着对卡斯特雷萨纳的攻击逐步升级,他变得越来越偏执,似乎将合情合理的批评也混同于肮脏的报复。As the attacks mounted against Castresana, he became increasingly paranoid, and appeared to conflate legitimate critiques with dirty reprisals.

上述两家机构不约而同地将会计分录“美国税金本期税额”和公司应向IRS缴纳的税金混为一谈。Both the Times story and the IPS study conflate an accounting entry called "current portion of U.S. taxes" with the taxes a company sends the IRS.

最大的或者说最常见的一个问题,是作者们混淆了教程与一本面面俱到地介绍一门语言的专著的区别。The first and by far most-common handicap is a confusion by the authors in which they conflate a tutorial with a detailed treatise on every aspect of the language.

可在经济萧条期中削减开支于事无补,尤其是市场主体与用于救援金融体系的刺激性开支结合在一起的时候。But cutting spending in the middle of a recession is no solution -- especially when market participants conflate stimulus spending with bailouts of the financial system.

今天刚刚发布的美国精神病学协会新的指导原则融合了许多精神疗法的方法,同样因为由至少一或两个随机的试验来表明它们是有作用的。The new American *Psychiatric* guidelines released today conflate several psychotherapy approaches equally because at least one or two randomized trials has shown them to be effective.

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我们很容易将移动网络电子邮件和商业用户联想到一起,毕竟商业用户是首先完全体验通过他们的移动设备收发信息的人群。It's easy to conflate mobile e-mail with business users, after all, this was the demographic that first fully embraced the ability to send and receive messages from their mobile devices.

我们很容易将移动网络电子邮件和商业用户联想到一起,毕竟商业用户是首先完全体验通过他们的移动设备收发信息的人群。It’s easy to conflate mobile e-mail with business users, after all, this was the demographic that first fully embraced the ability to send and receive messages from their mobile devices.

但当指控者将变节者和异端混为一谈,断言那些自称是伊斯兰教的人提出错误的诠释是有罪的时,自由同样在不知不觉中被滥用。But liberty is abused in an equally insidious way when accusers conflate apostasy with heresy—by alleging that somebody claiming to be a Muslim has erred by advancing false interpretations.