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这是一首哲理性诗歌。This is a philosophic poetry.

我非常满足于哲理性的冥想。I am quite content with philosophic contemplation.

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这是个十分善辩且狡猾的司机。It was a most philosophic and jesuitical motorman.

模糊诗学的哲学基础是唯物辩证法。The philosophic basis of fuzzy poetics is materialist dialectics.

在我们哲学的讨论里,发生一种不诚实的情况。There arises a certain insincerity in our philosophic discussions.

“生成”是海德格尔后期哲学思想的主导词语。"Ereignis" is the key word of Heidegger's later philosophic thinking.

理想主义把他引向了哲学上的无政府主义,被家庭赶了出来。Idealism led him to philosophic anarchy, and his family threw him off.

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但实际上,左拉确实有着明确的哲学观点。But in actual truth Zola did have a very definite philosophic viewpoint.

此外,他们诗歌中的理想还具有一定的哲学根源。Moreover, there were also certain philosophic roots in the poets' ideals.

哲学基础是教学论的内在根据和本真灵魂。Philosophic base is the inner basis and authentic essence of teaching theory.

其所以能如此,在于他以哲学思想为理论基础和行动指导。This is because he took philosophic thinking as basic theory and action guide.

或者说,他是以带有哲理性的味道来谈一些人生问题的。In other words, he is talking about problems of life with a philosophic flavor.

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人民主体性既是一个哲学范畴,又是一个历史范畴。People-oriented Thoughts is not only a philosophic category but historical one.

贝克莱从洛克出发,但却背离了洛克的方向。Berkeley proceeded from the philosophic views of Locke but finally deviated from him.

另外,其友谊观还渗透了斯多葛派的哲学思想。His view on friendship embodies strong political color and Stoic philosophic thought.

你的冲动促进哲学性或宗教观点可能会触怒他人。Your aggressive promoting of philosophic or religious viewpoints may antagonize others.

它所捍卫的哲学式王权本身,即是直接与雅典民主,断绝关系。Its defense of philosophic kingship is itself a direct repudiation of Athenian democracy.

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公元19世纪,叔本华与尼采的哲学理论盛行于世。During the 19th Century, the philosophic theories of Schopenhauer and Wikipedin prevailed.

这是一种哲理性的传奇或者说是寓言,描述了如何进行精神训练。This is a kind of philosophic romance or allegory depicting the education of the human soul.

中国山水诗歌的产生和发展与佛教哲理有着不解之缘。There is close contact between Chinese landscape poems and the Buddhistic philosophic theory.