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我想我是把鞭子忘在停尸房了。I think I left my riding crop in the mortuary.

停尸房中摆满了僵冷的尸体。In the mortuary there are many stiffened corpses.

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神甫和两个唱诗童子等在门前。The priest was waiting just outside the mortuary door.

他们会签署死亡证明书,然后通知停尸间。They only sign the death certificate and phone the mortuary.

如此一来,又可纾解民众对殓葬服务的需求。That in turn will help ease the demand on our public mortuary.

那天早上在太平间里,棺材已经被盖上了。At the mortuary that morning, the coffin had already been closed.

我不在乎,站在这个停尸间面前,我感觉自己像个斗士一样。I don't care. I'm feeling militant standing in front of this mortuary.

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今天看起来很怪异,但是学校停尸房却未见什么异常。It seems odd today, but there was nothing unusual about a school mortuary then.

弗兰兹和伯爵拾级而下,发觉他们已站在了一个坟场的交叉路口。Franz and the count descended these, and found themselves in a mortuary chamber.

想到母亲一个人躺在太平间里,我心如刀绞。In thought of mother lying in mortuary alone, my heart was as painful as wrung by knife.

他们家面对着一处公共厕所,护士经常在那里倒掉切下的瘤子。Their home also faced a public toilet, where nurses often dumped tumors, and the local mortuary.

如果员工在停尸间穿着鲜艳的衣服,欢乐得开着派对,那会令人感到莫名其妙。It would be strange for workers in a mortuary to always wear bright clothes and have fun parties.

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后人殓拾40人遗赅时,亦一并将强盗尸首葬于墓边。Mortuary later picked up 40 people survived Gai, also a Canadian and bandit buried in tombs edge.

她命人在德尔埃尔神庙的自己的陵寝中雕刻自己神圣地出生的故事。She ordered the story of her divine birth to be carved inside her mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri.

警方在新建成的葵涌公众殓房拘捕五十人。The police arrested fifty suspected triad members outside the newly opened Kwai Chung public mortuary.

殡葬中心一名工作人员在冷库里发现了一个空袋子,里面原本应存放有这名士兵的踝骨碎片。In that case a mortuary worker found in a freezer an empty bag that should have contained the body part.

海西珀休特女王的庙宇正是一座建筑在尼罗河西岸的非常独特的陵园。The temple of Queen Hatshepsut was one such unique mortuary temple in the west bank of the Nile in Luxor.

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流传了三千年的传统丧葬仪式宣告了皇帝陛下和皇太后的过世。Circulated the traditional and mortuary ceremony 3000 proclaimed of imperial Majesty and empress dowager die.

你没有看到啊,她手腕上绑着个红色的标签,太平间里的每个尸体都绑有的那中标签。Didn't you see there was a red label tied around her wrist?Every corpse has such a red label in the mortuary.

如果没有电话,晚个十分钟左右,伤患可能就回天乏术了。Without telephone, ten more minutes later would make the ambulance turn to mortuary instead of emergency room.