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曼谷市政府提醒居民在24小时内撤离该地区。BMA warned the residents to leave the area in 24 hours.

第一名,骨科及风湿病,英国医学协会奖2009。First Prize, Orthopaedics and Rheumatology, BMA Awards 2009

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无投票权股票在发行和转让时须经百慕达金融管理局的批准。The BMA to give prior consent for the issue and transfer of non-voting securities.

企业营销协会的前身是1922年成立的全国工业广告协会。BMA traces its origins to 1922 with the formation of the National Industrial Advertising Association.

梳形聚合物的熔点、焓值及静态接触角随着共聚物中BMA含量的升高而升高。As the content of BMA increases, the melting point, enthalpy of fusion, dynamic contact angle of copolymer rise.

实际制作和测试了小曲率半径柱面共形微带天线的单元和二元阵列天线,仿真结果与实测结果相当吻合。The one-element BMA and two-element BMA array conformal to cylinders with small radius and finite length are fabricated and measured.

英国医学会指出,实行这种“选择退出”机制的国家,如西班牙、比利时、奥地利和捷克,都有着较高的器官捐献率。The BMA points to much higher organ donation rates in countries that have opt-out systems, such as Spain, Belgium, Austria and the Czech Republic.

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BMA已经发起了一个被称为“要培训,不要流失”的运动,试图对政府施加压力,使MMC推迟一年,以期创造额外的培训岗位。The BMA has launched a Train not Draincampaign in order to pressurize the Government to stall MMC for a year so extra training posts can be created.

将个人兴趣发展成大众娱乐事业,博美今天的多元化发展,源于罗先生对音乐及体育活动的热诚。Today, he has turned his hobbies into a business. The current diversified development of bma originated from Chairman Lo's passion for music and sports.

英国医学协会也重申了一些其它建议,包括为每瓶酒精饮料制定最低限价,为酒精类饮料制定高于通货膨胀率的高税率,禁止商家提供“买一送一”的优惠活动。The BMA also renewed its calls for a minimum price to be set per unit of alcohol, for alcohol to be taxed at a higher rate than inflation and for a ban on two-for-one offers.