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我很喜欢伊朗队。I like the Iranian team.

在伊朗大选中,本来是个平局。In the Iranian elections, it was a tie.

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中国石油集团已与伊朗天然气田达成协议。CNPC clinches deal to develop Iranian gas field.

这些网志的内容禳括伊朗社会的方方面面。The blogs are a cross-section of Iranian society.

儿童在伊朗电影业中扮演着重要角色。Children have an important role in Iranian cinema.

奥巴马通过录像向伊朗人民进行新年喊话。Obama appeals to Iranian people in Internet video.

其中一家是一对伊朗夫妇带一个7岁的女儿。One is an Iranian couple with a 7-yr-old daughter.

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有种葡萄酒叫设拉子,有个伊朗的城市也叫设拉子。There's shiraz the wine and Shiraz the Iranian city.

在1999年,伊朗三分之一的内科医师是裙钗。In 1999, one in three Iranian physicians was a woman.

欧洲没有伊朗导弹或核威胁。There is no Iranian missile or nuclear threat to Europe.

宽体客机坐满了富裕的伊朗人。The wide-body jet was filled with well-off Iranian people.

当前伊核问题正处于一个十分关键的时期。The Iranian nuclear issue is at a highly critical juncture.

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届时,伯格将会与伊朗乐队Arian进行合作表演。The Irish-born singer will perform with Iranian band Arian.

为什么导致伊朗政府如此害怕纳斯林呢?Why is the Iranian government so afraid of Nasrin Sotoudeh?

这里你也可以看到伊朗版本的煎蛋是什么样子的。You can also see the Iranian version of an omelet here too.

你们谴责伊朗政权的种族灭绝宗旨。You've condemned the Iranian regime for its genocidal aims.

我们在伊朗库尔德斯坦一个镇上的同一所学校任教。We taught in the same school in a town in Iranian Kurdistan.

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以色列袭击伊朗核设施后,石油价格飞涨。Oil prices skyrocket following Israeli raid on Iranian nukes.

伊朗科学家阿米里,绑架或间谍投诚?Iranian scientist Shahram Amiri, Kidnapped or a defecting Spy?

游行当日,穆萨维被伊朗安全部队限制出行。Parade day, Moussaoui limit travel by Iranian security forces.