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那是春天甜美的清唱。Spring’s sweet cantata.

这个康塔塔有个难度很大的声乐总谱。The cantata has a difficult vocal score.

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这个康塔塔有个难度很大的声乐总谱。The music of the song has been rearranged for the cantata.

波吕斐摩斯,人声和乐器康塔塔,第一部,第四首。Polipheme, Cantata for Voice and Instruments, Book I, No. 4

为独唱5,合唱队和管弦乐队而作的祖国史诗康塔塔。Poem of the Motherland, cantata for 5 soloists, chorus & orchestra.

巴赫的康塔塔写的唱的第三个星期日后三一。Bach's cantata was written to be sung the third Sunday after Trinity.

李的态度是首次境外官方的“加息大合唱”的回应。Li's attitude is the first time outside official "rate hike Cantata" response.

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经文歌之外,是在意大利和法国音乐影响下的康塔塔。Out of the motet, under the influence of Italian and French instrumental music, came the cantata.

这些音乐包括贝多芬的第9号交响曲,普契尼杜兰朵公主的一个咏叹调,巴哈的169号清唱剧等等。They included selections from Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, an aria from Puccini's Turandot, Bach's cantata No 169.

在前一天,一个八人小组的最初投票中,有五票给了莉莉·布朗热,这只是简单多数。On the previous day, the preliminary vote by a panel of eight had given Lili Boulanger's cantata a scant majority of five votes.