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不要焦虑。Don't be anxious.

我们晚归会使她发慌。Anxious if we were late.

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人确是被造成浮躁的。Lo! Man was created anxious.

我挂心她的安全。I am anxious about her safety.

我哥哥也很着急。My brother was also very anxious.

那时,我急得想哭了。At that time, I was anxious to cry.

民主党有理由这么焦躁。Democrats have reason to be anxious.

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我急于想知道最后的结果。L'm anxious to know the final result.

木佩兰不耐烦道。The wood wears an orchid anxious way.

他们由于她没露面而忧虑。They were anxious at her non-arrival.

他在拘留所里焦急地煎熬了一天。He spent an anxious day in the lockup.

他焦急地等待着茱丽叶的消息。He was anxious to hear news of Juliet.

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汤姆为自己的考试成绩而担忧。Tom is anxious about his exam results.

她急于想了解股票的行情。He is anxious to read the share prices.

我们渴望为您服务。We are anxious to be able to serve you.

每天上午,贝基.齐格尔都会感到十分焦虑、坐立不安。Every morning, Becky Ziegel gets anxious.

他愁容满面。He had an anxious expression on his face.

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狗狗焦虑或者受到伤害的时候就会发车这种呜咽声。Dogs whimper when they're anxious or hurt.

我急于想知道你的决定。I'm anxious to know what your decision is.

我急于想知道考试成绩。I'm anxious to know the result of the exam.