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每日记下工作日志。Rept on logbook daily.

对于过去的事情,我建议你做工作记录。For past events, I suggest a logbook.

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你可以有自己的日志和邮票。You would have your own logbook and stamp.

记录下列所有的信息在记录本上。Record the following information in the logbook.

把事故和进展情况记入航海日志。Write down the incident and process in the logbook.

买方应记录供应品的运行日志。Buyer shall keep a logbook of operation for the Supplies.

在便签本签名栏下签上该人的姓名。Have the person sign the logbook under the signature's column.

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更新宴会预定日志并在每日的基础上提交给会议总监。Up dating banqueting reservation logbook submit to cmd on daily basis.

完成该培训记录簿的内容是驾驶员晋升的必要条件之一。The completed logbook will be one of the requisite criteria for promotion.

你可以得到锻炼并且成为你自己的日志的一部分。Plus, you can get exercise and have your own logbook as a conversation piece.

阅读工作日志并签字,注意板面上的最后一条通知并落实。Read and sign the logbook and notice board for the latest news and follow-ups.

失物招领记录本上的必须用钢笔做记录。用单线化去错误的。Record in the logbook must be in ink. Use a single line to cross out mistakes.

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若有SD卡,该软件还可以把日志写到SD卡上保存。For devices with SD card the program can write the content of the logbook to SD.

旧的纸版航海日志的优点将被组合在计算机的功能中。The advantages of the old paper logbook should be combined with the power of a computer.

那天离开机场前,我买了一本飞行日志,并让教练写下了第一行。Before I left the airport that day, I bought a logbook and had the instructor sign the first line.

检查并确保所有的员工知道备忘录的信息,监督员工看礼宾部交接班本。Check and make sure staff know all the memo and information, push staff to read concierge logbook.

你在日志前盖在邮戳,然后把邮票贴在盒子上。You leave your stamp in the found logbook and use the stamp in the found box to stamp your own logbook.

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这款应用还有一个日志可以显示14天的数据以及数据规律,或是按每天的时间段分组。There's also a logbook that shows readings, and patterns of readings, over 14 days, or grouped by time of day.

检查并确保每一件发生在当班时的事情需要跟进时要在交班记录本上记录。Check and make sure every case happened on your shift were followed up in proper way and record on the logbook.

利用手术室工作日志数据,我们确定了手术率、实施的外科手术的类型和手术室内的手术治疗效果。Using theatre logbook data, we determined the surgical rates, types of surgery performed and in-theatre surgical outcomes.