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倾向于感到嫉妒。Tends to feel envious. 042.

我不嫉妒你的成功。I am not envious of your success.

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我真羡慕你在英语方面取得的进步。I’m envious of your progress in English.

因为我作好人,你就红了眼吗?Or are you envious because I am generous?

但当我怀着羡慕之心,双眼顾盼But when my wond'ring eyes and envious heart

我所有的朋友都为我感到高兴和羡慕。All my friends were happy for me and envious.

寂寞,像魔鬼似的,而且也像魔鬼似的嫉妒心重吧?Lonely, like the devil, and envious like him?

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他说我有妒忌心,完全是冤枉了我。He wronged me when he said that I was envious.

嫉妒的人将死去,但嫉妒永存。——莫里哀。The envious will die, but envy never. --Moliere.

爱是不嫉妒或夸耀或傲慢或粗鲁。Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.

先前他明显地嫉妒我的成功.Previously he was obviously envious of my success.

不要与虎视眈眈的人进食,也不要羡慕他的山珍海味。Eat not with an envious man, and desire not his meats.

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那么,极有可能你嫉妒他机智的幽默。It’s possible you’re envious of his sharp sense of humor.

它的交叉道巨大无比,甚至连莫斯科都比不上。Its interchanges are so great that even Moscow is envious.

现代的读者可能对此视为是个值得羡慕的制度。This may strike a modern reader as an envious institution.

还是挺羡慕中国有这种双商超高的领导人的。I'm envious of the wise and diplomatic leadership of China.

她们并不嫉妒“奎师那如此深爱茹阿达茹阿妮”。They are not envious that 'Krishna loves Radharani so much.

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嫉妒之人会死去,但嫉妒本身永不会灭亡---莫里哀,法国作家。The envious will die, but envy never---Moliere, French writer.

这种笑令人吃惊,是有知对无知嫉妒的笑。It is the appalled, envious laughter of knowledge at innocence.

当然,有很多发展中国家对天朝之崛起可谓分外眼红。Of course, many developing countries are envious of China's rise.