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触碰检查有无触痛。Palpate to detect tenderness.

我监测到有人渣的存在。I detect the presence of scum.

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要谈我们可以检测到的。Talk about what we can detect.

我们位年犟人振奋。I detect youth people exciting.

然而,我们能够觉察到它的踪迹。However, we can detect traces of it.

我则在你的文章中发现一种让你瘫软的恐惧。I detect in yours a paralysing fear.

我们已经能够去检测他们了。So, we have to be able to detect them.

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我只能听到低低的私语。I could detect only the merest whisper.

CT采用胶体金斑点法,UU等均采用培养法。Using colloid golden spot to detect CT.

技术上来说,C-D不能侦察作弊软件。Technically, C-D does not detect cheats.

向导无法检测拨号音。The wizard could not detect a dial tone.

现在,丫头,再在俺和他身上侦测邪恶。Now lass, Detect Evil on 'im an' me agin.

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因此往往会过早地检查错误。Thus it tends to detect errors prematurely.

试图检测尿囊素酶没有成功。Attempts have failed to detect allantoicase.

任何时候检测都必须以病人为中心。Detect any time have to be patient-centered.

检测速度每小时可检测400-500只气雾罐。It can detect 400-500 aerosol cans per hour.

仅检测键释放计时的修改Modifications to detect release timings only

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他们设计了一个测试来侦测诈病行为。They developed a test to detect malingering.

那个女警的任务是侦破抢劫案件。This policewoman’s job is to detect robbery.

安装15的GPIO来检测其输入的变化。Setup 15 GPIO to detect changes in its input.