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可可泡芙Cocoa Puffs.

可可脂、可可油。Cocoa butter, fat and oil.

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希望可可生能活得顺顺利利。Hope the cocoa life happiness.

这个缸子上有个缺口。He has a mug of cocoa before bed.

可可膏,不论是否脱脂。Cocoa paste, whether or not defatted.

过敏源可能是大豆,牛奶或者可可。Challengers may be soy, milk or cocoa.

在白巧克力中,不含有可卡。White chocolate doesn't contain cocoa.

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过敏源可能是大豆,牛奶或者可可。IzChallengers may be soy, milk or cocoa.

哪一个大陆生产了大部份的可可亚?Which continent produces the most cocoa?

全可可豆在这里也可以购买到。Whole cocoa beans can also be purchased.

可可和巧克力是由可可树子制出来的。Cocoa and chocolate are made from cacaos.

他坐在炉边喝著他的可可亚。He sat by the fireside drinking his cocoa.

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可可豆是巧克力的原料于是我跟酋长说…All they'd ever think about was cocoa beans.

整颗或破碎的可可豆,生的或焙炒的。Cocoa beans, whole or broken, raw or roasted.

进屋来吧,我来给你们煮一杯热可可茶。Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa.

他准备了爆米花,可可饮料和茶来招待我们。He treated us to some popcorn, cocoa and tea.

1828年,凡豪坦开发了可可压榨机。In 1828 Van Houten developed the cocoa press.

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洋李干、黑樱桃,以及一丝香草可可的香气。Prunes, black cherry, hints of vanilla cocoa.

她很喜欢吃蔻蔻味道的冰淇淋。She likes ice-cream and cocoa flavour very much.

可可荚、壳、皮及废料。Cocoa shells, husks, skins and other cocoa waste.