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这对CPI的增长会有很大的影响。This would have big impact on CPI growth.

但CPI指数依然高挺,投资意愿下降了。The CPI is still high, but investment trends are debased.

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如果CPI持续增长,PPI很快也会上升。If CPI continues to rise, PPI would soon see a positive growth.

CIP航空结构公司将生产三部吊舱装置,总价值约80万美元。CPI Aero will produce three housings for approximately $800,000.

CIP航空结构公司将生产三部吊舱装置,总价值约80万美元。CPI Aero will produce three housings for approximately $800, 000.

国家9月份消费者物价指数同比上涨3.6%,创24个月来新高。The country's September CPI was up 3.6 percent, a 24-month record high.

在一个需求主导的市场经济中,CPI会比PPI先上涨。In a demand-led market economy, CPI growth would turn positive before PPI.

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截至目前,远达公司拥有授权和受理国家专利100多项。Until now more than 100 national patents are authorized and accepted to CPI Yuanda.

十一月份的消费物价指数上升百分之4.6和5.1个百分点十二月,28个月新高。The CPI increased 4.6 percent in December and 5.1 percent in November, a 28-month high.

LG化工和CPI将在荷兰、密歇根州新址生产电池单元。LG Chem and CPI will be localicing cell production at their new site in Holland, Michigan.

同时,汇率预期变量对工业品出厂价格指数、消费者价格指数及货币供应量的影响都十分明显。At the same time, exchange rate expectations had obvious effects on PPI, CPI and money supply.

所有NIA的成员知道,CPI通过几何加权低估了通货膨胀。As all NIA members know, the CPI understates inflation through geometric weighting and hedonics.

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实际上,在未来数月,食品价格上涨将会给CPI中的食品部分带来一定影响。Indeed, higher food prices will have an impact on the food component of CPI in the months ahead.

因此,移动快线应用的普及,为消费者跑赢CPI提供了利器。Accordingly, mobile express applies gain ground, run for consumer won CPI to supply sharp weapon.

中银国际的计算显示,仅食品价格上涨就导致7月居民消费价格指数提高5个百分点。Our calculations show that the hikes in food prices contributed about 5ppts to July's CPI growth.

由于高企的CPI,7个省份的上网电价上调可能被再度推迟到2011年。The on-grid tariff hike in 7 provinces might be further postponed to 2011 because of the high CPI.

摩根大通分析师预计,下半年CPI和PPI将变为正数。According to a JPMorgan analyst, the CPI and PPI were expected to rise in the latter half of the year.

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因此,即使与天气有关的暂时性影响消失后,短期内CPI仍将居高不下。Therefore, CPI could remain high in the foreseeable future even temporary impact of weather dies away.

星河证券的一名分析师郝达明计算出两种导致CPI增长的力量。Hao Daming, an analyst with Galaxy Securities, figures out two of the driving forces for the CPI growth.

这个指数是衡量一个典型的城市家庭所购买的定义为菜篮子的商品和服务的数据。The CPI is measured by pricing a "basket" list of goods and services bought by a typical urban household.