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现在我想略微进行一些更改,然后重新部署应用程序。Now I'd like to make a slight change and redeploy the application.

将以每个月一到两个旅的速度重新部署美国军队。Would redeploy U.S. troops at a pace of one to two brigades a month.

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这样就可以非常迅速地在相似的机器上重新部署整个系统。This allows you to redeploy the whole system very quickly on similar machines.

在竞选总统时,奥巴马曾经表示,他将重新把军队从伊拉克部署到阿富汗。During the presidential campaign, he said he would redeploy troops from Iraq to Afghanistan.

当您打包这些更改并重新部署应用程序后,可以验证新功能。After you package these changes and redeploy the application, you can verify the new function.

要使所做的更改在服务器上生效,必须重新部署更新后的应用程序代码。To put your changes into effect on the server, you must redeploy the updated application code.

不需要重新部署整个流程即可优化流程模型的必要元素。Required elements of the process model can be optimized without having to redeploy the entire process.

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通过尽可能能的让程序集小,你就有可能更简单的重新布署服务器和客户端。By keeping the assemblies small, you'll be more likely to redeploy more easily on both client and server.

要将更改整合到流程中,开发人员需要更新和重新部署业务流程。Incorporating changes into the process requires the developer to update and redeploy the business process.

对于某些服务器来说,找出展开式目录中触发了热重部署的确切文件是很有意义的。With some servers it makes sense to find out exactly what triggers the hot redeploy in the exploded directory.

具有一个灵活的工具箱非常重要,让您可以进行重新配置和重新部署,以适应新出现的场景。It is very important to have a flexible toolbox that you can reconfigure and redeploy to adapt to emerging scenarios.

他们可以检视流程,甚至可能动态的更新流程,创建和重新部署更新的知识库。They can inspect and possibly even dynamically update the processes and build and redeploy the updated knowledge base.

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Design-Time模块具有JSF热部署功能,能停止和重启应用而无需经历构建和重部署周期。Design-Time module has a JSF hot-deploy feature to stop and restart the application without going through build & redeploy cycles.

一名奥巴马政府官员表示,美国已警告中国,如果北京未能制约朝鲜,美国将在亚洲重新部署军事力量.An Obama administration official said the United States had warned China it would redeploy forces in Asia if Beijing failed to rein in North Korea.

但即使议会通过了Levin-Reed提案,军方后勤专家说哪怕只是重新部署一半的美军军力都需要比120天长得多的时间。But even if Congress approved Levin-Reed, military logistics experts say it would take far longer than 120 days to redeploy even half of U.S. forces.

无国界医生组织紧急向联合国以及其他救援机构呼吁,从中心城市Dungu向偏远地区派遣人员以稳定局面。MSF is making an urgent appeal to the UN and other relief agencies to redeploy staff from the central town of Dungu to provide aid in outlying areas.

不需要将连接性逻辑重新部署到基础结构中,因为它们全都在注册中心进行了描述,并以近实时的方式发挥作用。There is no need to redeploy the connectivity logic into the infrastructure, as it is all described in the registry, and acted upon in near real-time.

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这意味着,在前一个示例中,您不必重新部署业务流程,以修改您希望通过选择器分派的组件。This means that in the previous example, you would not have to redeploy the business process to modify the components you want to dispatch to through the selector.

声明指出,两个旅级部队以及他们的后勤单位将被重新部署以撤离,从而驻伊美军部队的数目将从原来的14支减少到12支。Two brigade combat teams and their support units will redeploy without being replaced, reducing the number of combat teams in Iraq from 14 to 12, the statement said.

某些人比如字段管理者有权快速修改和重新部署这些表单,以便采集的疾病突发信息更准确。Individuals, such as field supervisors, have the authority to modify these forms and redeploy them rapidly so future collected outbreak information can be more accurate.