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肯德尔转过身,那人关上了门。Kendal turned, and the man shut the door.

肯德尔将钞票放在他的桌上看着。Kendal put the note on his table and looked at it.

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我希望看到一个镶满翡翠的肯德尔薄饼!!I want to see an emerald encrusted Kendal Mint cake! !

英国肖像画家乔治·罗姆尼在坎布里亚郡的肯达尔…George Romney, English portrait painter, died at Kendal in Cumbria.

亨利·肯德尔走进他的房子,脱掉大衣,坐了下来。Henry Kendal walked into his house, took off his big coat, and sat down.

肯德尔看不清他的脸,脸的大部分都被布包得严严的。Kendal could just see a face which was partly covered with a piece of cloth.

肯德尔带他走进房子,在屋里的灯光下,肯德尔可以看得清楚了一些。Kendal took him into the house. In the light of the room, Kendal could see better.

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我们已经逃难逃了两个月了,被凯达尔将军的精英部队追赶了两个月。It is two months of flight, two months of pursuit by elite units of general Kendal.

一个男人的脚步声来到门前,肯德尔起身去开门,外面光线暗淡。The sound of a man's feet came to the door and Kendal went to open it. There was not much light outside.

通过附加的香精,烟客会从这款非常容易揉碎的切片中感受到愉悦和享受。With an added essence, the pipe smoker who derives pleasure from an easy to rub out flake will certainly enjoy Kendal Cream Flake.

这就像肯德尔镇花了大把纳税人的钱,搞了一个巨大的薄荷蛋糕般镶嵌翡翠的雕像一样。It's like the town of Kendal putting up a whacking great emerald-encrusted sculpture of a lump of mint cake at tax-payers' expense.

“但是仅仅模仿同伴并非就是成功的秘诀,”肯德尔说,“能够在时间上及学习对象上具有选择性的动物往往更胜一筹。"But it is not always a recipe for success to simply copy someone, " said Kendal. "Animals are often better off being selective about when and who they copy.

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类似曼切斯特节或者肯德尔国际艺术电影节这些大事件以及诸如萨福克郡的高潮剧场首次赢得了基金经费都是很令人高兴的事。It is good that events like the Manchester Festival or the Kendal Arts International, along with organisations like Suffolk's HighTide theatre, have won funding for the first time.