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香港自从1897年以来是英国的殖民地。Hongkong was British Colony since 1897.

这座岛屿在十八世纪时成为了殖民地。The island became a colony in the 1700s.

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迦太基是腓尼基人的殖民地Carthage is a colony of Phoenician cities.

帝国主义搜括殖民地的资源。Imperialism picked the resources of colony.

一群白蚁侵袭了新大楼。A colony of termites invaded the new building.

然而,殖民地在他的治理下却有了长足进步。Yet, under his rule, the colony made progress.

这个国家曾是英国在亚洲的一块殖民地。The country used to be a British colony in Asia.

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帕拉多星上发现微型战士殖民地。The Micromaster colony on Paradron is discovered.

在过去的美国殖民地里发生了什么?What happened to the lost colony of the Americas?

“不,我不需要,”阿岱说,“月亮部族已经准备就绪。‘No,I don't,’Adai said.‘The Moon colony is ready.

和巴西一样,安哥拉曾是葡萄牙的殖民地。Angola, like Brazil, is a former Portuguese colony.

我们能从一群蚂蚁身上得到同样的利他主义。We'd get about as much altruism from an ant colony.

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“不,我不需要,”阿岱说,“月亮部族已经准备就绪。‘No, I don't, ’Adai said.‘The Moon colony is ready.

一个群体有八万只蜜蜂,几乎全为雌蜂。A colony consists of 80,000 bees, almost all female.

1620至1621年冬,这个殖民地的一半人口不幸丧生。Half the colony died during the winter of 1620–1621.

南北卡罗莱纳州在1729年之前还是一个殖民地。North and South Carolina were one colony until 1729.

结果两起发热事件均属心因性发热。Results Two accidents were psychogenic colony fever.

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繁殖中心有大约140只皇家信天翁。There are about 140 royal albatrosses on the colony.

詹姆斯敦殖民地于1624年正式建立。The Jamestown colony was clearly established by 1624.

古人云,千里之堤,溃于蚁穴。The ancients cloud, qianlizhidi, ulcer in the colony.