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不带鱼网,别去鱼塘。Don't go to the fishpond without a net.

还有一个鱼池,满池游弋着金黄色的鲤鱼。There was a fishpond full of golden koi.

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把你妈妈的拖拉机推进鱼池的吗?For whoever dumped your mama's tractor in the fishpond ?

将这些鱼放到院子里的鱼池里。Take these fish and put them in the fishpond in the yard.

把这些鱼放到院子里的鱼池里。Take these fish and put them in the fishpond in the yard.

到那儿一看,游泳池倒是有,只是还没俺家的大嘞。It really has one swimming pool, but it's just slightly bigger that a fishpond.

增氧机一般应放置在鱼池中央,或图略偏上风的位置。Aerator should be generally placed in the center of fishpond or like windward on the drawing.

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分析了三角帆蚌对水体的主要水质因子变化及鱼产量的影响。The main water factors of fishpond water in lakeshore and the impact of fish yield were analyzed.

我的到来就像往一个大鱼塘里面扔了一块石头,鱼儿都吓跑了,石头沉入了水底,许久之后仍有波纹。My coming was like throwing a stone in a large fishpond. All fish flee and the stone sinks into the deep.

本机适用性强,可广泛应用于游泳池、戏水池、景观池、温泉洗浴池及养鱼池等。Applicability of this machine can be widely used in swimming pool, paddling pool, landscape pool, hot spring bathing pool and fishpond and so on.

方法适用于直接测定煤矿井水、鱼塘水、电场废水和自来水中的铅,所得的结果令人满意。It is suitable for the determination of trace lead in mine water, fishpond water, power plant waste water and well water with satis- factory results.

桂山岛的网箱养鱼非常有名,主要有品种有石斑、鳢白等,岛上各处都可以吃到美味的海鲜。Guishan Island Fishpond Using Netted Boxes very famous, there are a variety Shiban, the snakehead white, the entire island can eat the delicious seafood.

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对产卵与未产卵黄鳝的专池周年培育,结果表明,黄鳝与常规鱼类类似,亲鳝在人工养殖条件下培育,性腺可正常发育。An annual aquiculture experiment was conducted in a special fishpond to probe the gonads development and sex change of spawning and not spawning ricefield eels.

当地的小生产者从1公顷或更小的鱼塘获得稳定的收入,但他们要在同一块水涝地上同更大的商业公司竞争。Small local producers earning a steady living from a fishpond of one hectare or less compete with larger commercial concerns, often for the same waterlogged land.

应用该法直接测定煤矿塌陷湖水、鱼塘水、电厂废水和地下水中的亚硝酸根获得满意结果。The method was applied to direct determination of nitrite in collapse lake water, fishpond water, power plant waste water and well water with satisfactory results.

从天津污水鱼塘中采集了养殖的各种鱼,测定其鳃、肝、肾、肌肉等部位中的铜、铅蓄积量。Fish of various species were collected from wastewater fishpond in Tianjin. Contents of copper and lead were measured for gill, liver, kidney and muscle of the fish.

通过建立稻田-鱼塘模拟生态系统,研究锐劲特农药在稻田-鱼塘模拟生态系统中的迁移、转化规律,及其对蟹、虾等水生生物的影响。A paddy field and fishpond simulation ecosystem was established to study the Fipronil pesticide environment behavior and its effects on crab and shrimp in the ecosystem.

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从患病南方大口鲶分离得到病原菌N1、N2、N3、N4,以N3为宿主菌,从鱼塘淤泥中分离到三株蛭弧菌。The pathogenic strains were isolated from sick Silurus meridionalis, named N1, N2, N3 and N4. And three Bdellovibrios were isolated from fishpond sullage using N3 as prey.