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这个产品在世界各地隆重推出。The product was launched amid much fanfare worldwide.

在响亮的号角声中花圈被献在纪念碑前。A wreath was laid on the monument to a fanfare of trumpets.

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每一周,“魔法诗盒子”都会在盛大的喧哗声中隆重登场。Each week the Magic Poetry Box is presented with great fanfare.

比如,每年的大学明显要准备加入体育队。For example, every year college stars get drafted with much fanfare.

2006年11月,希莱克斯多明我书店在一片中世纪的乐声中热热闹闹地开张了。Selexyz Dominicanen opened, to some medieval fanfare in November 2006.

他们检测iPhones的最新发展状况,为广大民众的群聊开设了微博账号。They examine the latest iPhones and open Twitter accounts, to great public fanfare.

如今中国邮政机构仍在大张旗鼓地发行以生肖为主题的邮票。The Chinese postal service continues to release zodiac-themed stamps to much fanfare.

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这条五英里长的停泊及转乘线路于上周大张旗鼓地开通运行。The new five-mile stretch of the park-and-ride line opened last week to great fanfare.

当地居民说今年大张旗鼓引入的吃海藻的银鲤已经死亡。Residents say algae-eating silver carp introduced with great fanfare this year have died.

居民们说曾引进的可以大大减少水藻生长的食藻银鲤今年也死了。Residents say algae-eating silver carp introduced with great fanfare this year have died.

这周始在以色列媒体的众多闪光灯下,他们到达以色列游览。The couple arrived in Israel earlier this week for a visit amid much fanfare by the Israeli media.

但是当台湾最大的棒球明星上周抵达洋基春训营,却没有引起什麽注意。But when Taiwan's biggest baseball star arrived at Yankee camp last week, there was little fanfare.

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沙特阿拉伯通过军事仪仗队和隆重的仪式欢迎美国总统布什的到访。With a fanfare and a military honor guard, Saudi Arabia welcomed the president of the United States.

中国在五月一日以烟火和响亮的喇叭声欢庆二○一○年世界博览会的开幕。China celebrated the opening of the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai on May 1st with fireworks and fanfare.

我想说这根本就不会困扰我一丝一毫,因为我更喜欢在没有太被大家看好的情况下出征比赛。I have to say it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, because I prefer to start out without too much fanfare.

本周文先生的参观是完全暴露在照相机下,但当协议签订以后,常常也不会吹嘘什么。Mr Wen's visit this week was in full view of the cameras but when deals are made, there is often little fanfare.

她认为,在这么多人吃不饱肚子的时候,为了一个月的足球比赛而大张旗鼓实在太虚伪了。She argues that the fanfare around a month-long football tournament is hypocritical when people are going hungry.

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经过30年的艰苦斗争,他们赢得了胜利,厄立特里亚成为一个独立国家,奏响的号角和乐观的情绪传遍了世界。And after 30 years of struggling, they won. Eritrea became independent to much fanfare and optimism across the world.

汤普森去年高调进入共和党方面的竞争,在全国范围内的民意调查里,他的支持率在一段时间里曾名列前茅。Thompson entered the Republican race to great fanfare last year and for a time was near the top of the national polls.

由于生物能源受到媒体的广泛关注,良莠不齐的报道及部分被文字夸张的信息成为了人们认识事实的屏障。In the flood of media attention that biofuels have received, it is difficult to distinguish the facts from the fanfare.