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做点儿什么。Do something.

我有话要说。Can I say something?

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去做一些新的事情。Go do something new.

让我做点啥吧!Let me do something.

你感觉到什么了?Do you feel something?

肯定哪里出了事端Something is going on.

我另有所指。I meant something else.

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快上点什么吧。I need something quick.

它缺少了一些东西It's missing something.

我们常常这么做。We always do something.

有些东西存在着错误。Yet something is amiss.

喝点热饮。And drink something hot.

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但是有些事看起来好像不太对劲。But something seems off.

女孩问,有事吗?Girls ask you something?

她的做法更加过分She did something worse.

知道答案的话。You guys know something.

但它确实有所作为。But it does do something.

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能问你点事吗?。Can I ask you something ?

找些有趣的事来做。Find something fun to do.

我想我听见了什么声音。I think I hear something.