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小心总比打五年级学生好。Better be safe than punch a 5th grader.

除了给你打分的人,还有谁是你交流的对象?Who are you communicating with beyond the grader?

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关于卡刚严苛评级的坏名声属无中生有。Kagan's reputation as a harsh grader is unfounded.

所以这就解决了我是否对评级严苛的问题。So that settles the question am I a harsh grader or not.

年级长可能会对你感到遗憾,然后只给你部分的学分。The grader might feel sorry for you and give partial credit.

她觉得自己就像一个告发了同班同学的五年级学生。She felt like a fifth- grader who had snitched on a classmate.

这个小女孩上六年级,是中韩混血儿。This sixth grader is Chinese-Korean and remembers Ward's visit.

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至于西姆兰,她现在已经痊愈,是个活泼的六年级学生。As for Simran, she's now an active sixth grader and cancer-free.

大雄是个东京的小学四年级生,以及家里的独生子。Nobita is a fourth grader in Tokyo and an only child of the family.

介绍螺旋分级机下部轴承的改造实践。This paper introduces the lower bear's improvement of screw grader.

当薛立说他是全校评级最严苛的老师时,他没有撒谎。When Shelly says he's the harshest grader on campus, he isn't lying.

二年级生夏恩麦卡尼尔试图找寻部分他捐献的玩具。Second Grader Shawn McNair tries to find some of the toys he donated.

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通过平地机的设计评价实例验证了该方法的有效性。Feasibility of the method is verified with an example of grader design.

伦敦汤小学的一名六年级的学生说这种教学方式与传统截然不同。One sixth grader at London Towne says it's not like traditional teaching.

有时候我觉得我自己像是小六的学生因为我还是很喜欢玩具。Sometime I feel like I am a sixth grader because I still like toys so much.

另外,本发明还公开了一种平地机的水平控制方法。Moreover, the invention also discloses a horizontal control method for a grader.

而今年,他却需要在满分70中得到51分才能达到这个水平。This year, a fourth grader needed to earn 51 out of 70 points to reach that level.

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一名五年级失去双手的小孩在国家书法大赛上获奖。A fifth grader with no hands won a penmanship award in the National Handwriting Contest.

对妈妈来说,把真相告诉这么一个笨手笨脚、满脸雀斑的一年级小学生,肯定很痛苦。It must have been hard for her to tell the awkward, freckle-faced first grader the truth.

一名六年级的学生发现他家附近的河泥可以产出两倍的电能。One sixth grader found that the mud in his nearby river generated almost double the power.