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您是否不会做非常好彻底关心我是?Won't you do very good thoroughgoing care about I am?

因为您我伤害很彻底,我做一切是。I do everything is because you I hurt so thoroughgoing.

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作为彻底的唯物主义者,马克思和恩格斯并未给物质下过明确的定义。AS thoroughgoing materialists, Marx and Engels did not give the clear definition of substance.

必须还有一个政治战线上和一个思想战线上的彻底的社会主义革命。There must be a thoroughgoing socialist revolution on the political and ideological fronts too.

抗日以后,政治动员也非常之不普遍,更不说深入。After the war began, political mobilization was very far from extensive, let alone thoroughgoing.

现在他在正在引导缩小国家干预经济范围,小政府和全面的公共事务改革的讨论。Now it is leading the debates on deregulation, smaller government, and thoroughgoing public service reform.

如此伟大的民族革命战争,没有普遍和深入的政治动员,是不能胜利的。A national revolutionary war as great as ours cannot be won without extensive and thoroughgoing political mobilization.

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第二,把握原则,突出重点,全面推进城乡规划效能监察工作的深入开展。Second, the principle focus and promote the effectiveness of surveillance in urban and rural planning work in a thoroughgoing way.

我国不实行分权原则,因为我们实行的人民民主追求广泛和彻底的民主。China does not practice the principle of power separation because the people's democracy we practice is extensive and thoroughgoing.

全党必须明白,土地制度的彻底改革,是现阶段中国革命的一项基本任务。The whole Party must understand that thoroughgoing reform of the land system is a basic task of the Chinese revolution in its present stage.

随着勘探和开发对地震资料处理成果的要求越来越高,常规叠后时间偏移处理技术的缺陷日益显现出来。With the requirment of precise seismic interpretation and thoroughgoing exploration, the conventional post-stack migration reveals its limitations.

大米蛋白的品质优良性使其在粮谷类蛋白中脱颖而出,对其各方面的研究也在不断深入。Featuring its unique properties, rice protein stands out primely among cereal proteins, therefore the thoroughgoing study on it has been conducting.

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会议通过了两个独立的决议,墨西哥总统卡尔德龙在凌晨4点发表讲话,宣布本次大会取得巨大成功。Mexican President Felipe Calderon, in a 4 a.m. speech, declared the conference "a thoroughgoing success, " after two separate agreements were passed.

因此,唯一获得的彻底的慈悲心灵,就是透过阿弥陀佛本愿,获得拯救,并且成为念阿弥陀佛之人。Therefore, the only way to attain the thoroughgoing mind of great compassion is to be saved through Amida's Primal vow and become a person of the nembutsu.

安东·萨阿德的民族主义思想是地方阿拉伯民族主义的典型代表,他对待伊斯兰教的彻底的世俗民族主义立场在阿拉伯世界是罕见的。Antun Saadah is a typical representative of Regional Arab Nationalism. His thoroughgoing and secular nationalistic stance is quite unique in the Arab world.

然而从另一个层面看,斯蒂格利茨并不感到意外,因为这样的决策乃是在理性上完全捉摸不定的布什政府的一贯作风。Yet on another level, Stiglitz is unsurprised , because such decisions are of a piece with the thoroughgoing intellectual inconsistency of the Bush administration.

我们有解放后的前十年的经验,那十年,我们的风气相当正。而且那个时候确实有群众监督,是广泛的群众运动,是深入细致的工作。Social conduct was very good in the first ten years after liberation, when we had true mass supervision and extensive mass movements and did thoroughgoing ideological work.

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五四运动不仅是一次彻底的反帝反封建的革命运动,而且还是一次伟大的马克思主义的学习运动和思想解放运动。The May 4th Movement is not only a thoroughgoing anti-imperialist, anti-feudal revolutionary movement but also a great Marxism-learning and ideological liberation movement.

科学是百年奋斗聚集在一起,通过系统思考的现象,感知这个世界万化,作为一个地地道道教会会越好。Science is the century-old endeavor to bring together by means of systematic thought the perceptible phenomena of this world into as thoroughgoing an association as possible.

在现状梳理和自查整改中,对全市19个区县采用“实地督查、中途推进,现场交流”等多种形式深入开展。Self-inspection and rectification of the status quo out of the 19 districts use the "field supervision, halfway forward, the exchange" and other forms in a thoroughgoing way.